A: The ROD provides copies at a cost of 50 cents per page for deeds and 50 cents or $1 for plats, depending on size. However, you can download copies from the web site at no cost.
A: You need to know the approximate date of sale or conveyance and the name of the seller (grantor) or the buyer (grantee). If the owner's name is unknown, go to the County Assessor's Office where the assessment rolls are listed both alphabetically by owner and by tax map sequence number. Map books in the Assessor's Office guide users to the appropriate number, which is then cross-referenced with the alphabetical roll to find the owner's name.
A: This office maintains the "public record" or the "official" property record. Title companies will not insure loans on real property unless a title search has been completed by an attorney or that attorney's representative. As the official record, this information is also used in developing the tax rolls.
A: Go to the search page, in the upper right side of the page click on the HELP. Next window there is a link for downloading the Active X Controls. When prompted click OPEN, it will download and install (If your security setting is to high it will not install).
A: Try deleting all the Temporary Internet Files as a cached page may be returning that screen.
A: You need to change you DISPLAY settings, they are to low. The best setting will be 1024 x 768. This is done by going to the Control Panel, double clicking on Display, selecting the SETTINGS tab, in the lower portion you will see a slider bar that allows you to increase the resolution. Slide it to the right ,Click on Apply, then OK to accept the changes. Close all boxes and return to web page (this does effect all programs, it will make your icons smaller and your text smaller).
A: Some Ad Blockers will not let the image come over. Disable any Ad Blockers and it should work.
A: Click here for help with Churches and Business names.
A: All records have a book and page number. The book number will always lead with an alpha and then 3 digits. The page number will always be 3 digits. 300-001 is A300-001. alpha first.
A: Searching for names will require a Last name in the Last Name / Firm Name field and First Name in the First Name / Firm Name field with an * after the last letter of the first name. Ex. Searching for John R Doe, you would put:
Last Name/Firm Name | DOE |
First Name/Firm Name | JOHN* |
If you search on just John Doe you will not get any John Doe with middle initials, requires the * sign.
A: Satisfactions, Assignments, Modifications, etc are all listed as Tracers in our Database, Use the Original Book - Page number of the document and type that in the DM-NAME or DM-TRACER application, click FIND and it should return all records. Use A300-001 as an example so you see how it will appear. Then double click on one of the lines to see the image.
A: We can only assist helping you look things up. Parcel ID numbers are not in our database so you will need to go to the GIS/Mapping web page use that Parcel ID number to pull up the information for that property and find in that list of information the Deed Book and Page. Come back to the ROD site and use the Book - Page number to pull up the record.
A: Our online records are from 1978 - present. The images are from 1997 - present. A table on the ROD HOME page is updated with this information daily. The older records you will need to come into the ROD and make copies off the micro-film, or send in writing the request.
A: CharlestonCounty.org recording fees are posted on the ROD FORMS page.
A: Usually the plat for an area will include several lots maybe a whole section of a development. To have one of just your lot you will have to have a surveyor draw one up and record it for you. Normally, you have a TAX MAP, a PLAT, and a SITE PLAN; all are different and have a separate purpose.
A: The ROD Office only records the liens filed, from the state and federal levels and from individuals. We do not contact any agencies or credit bureaus to resolve lien issues.
City of Charleston
City of Folly Beach
City of North Charleston
City of Isle of Palms
Town of Awendaw
Town of Hollywood
Town of James Island
Town of Kiawah Island
Town of Lincolnville
Town of McClellanville
Town of Meggett
Town of Mount Pleasant
Town of Ravenel
Town of Rockville
Town of Seabrook Island
Town of Sullivan's Island
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