Lonnie Hamilton, III Public Services Building
4045 Bridge View Drive
North Charleston, SC 29405
Phone: (843)202-7200
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Code Enforcement (Environmental, Solid Waste and Zoning) Complaints
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Mon. - Fri. 8am - 5pm
ZREZ-10-24-00157: Request to rezone TMS # 203-00-00-048 and -053 from Low Density Residential (R-4) Zoning District to the Island Park Place Medical Health and Wellness Village Planned Development, PD-190, to allow for the development of a large-scale medical office park with associated retail and residential uses. Proposed plans include a maximum 129,846 square feet of buildings to include medical office space, multi-family dwelling units to be located above office space, and an onsite wastewater treatment area.
This case has been withdrawn by the applicant. It has been removed from the County Council meeting agenda for Tuesday March 11, 2025.
The Zoning & Planning Department administers the County's Comprehensive Plan ordinance (ten-year update adopted by County Council on November 18, 2008, as amended) and the Zoning and Land Development Regulations ordinance (adopted by County Council on Nov. 20, 2001 as amended) and prepares various studies and plans related to the current and future use of land in Charleston County. This Department serves as the professional and technical staff for the County Planning Commission, which is an advisory body to County Council, as well as for the County Board of Zoning Appeals and County Historic Preservation Commission. The Zoning & Planning Department also serves as the professional and technical staff for the Town of Rockville.
Plat - A drawing of the property that is drawn to scale showing all essential data pertaining to the boundaries and subdivisions of a tract of land, as determined by a survey. A plat must be prepared, signed and sealed by a registered professional land surveyor licensed by the state of South Carolina. Note: A plat must be approved by a governmental entity and recorded by the Register of Mesne Conveyance (RMC).
Site Plan - An engineer's scaled-size drawing of a parcel, showing the location of proposed and existing structures.
A. If your property is within the jurisdiction of Charleston County, you can find the zoning by using the "GIS" online service. You can also call or visit the Planning Department to find out the zoning classification for your property and what regulations apply. The municipalities in the County also have planning and zoning regulations and you should contact them directly.
A. You should contact the Zoning & Planning Department to set up a pre-application meeting regarding re-zoning of a property
A. First, contact the Zoning & Planning Department to determine if it is possible to do so based on the size of the lot and current zoning. If it is possible to subdivide the property, you should schedule a pre-application conference with staff to review what you want to do prior to expending a lot of time, money and effort in the plan that may not work. You can subdivide property according to the procedures contained in Chapter 8 of the Zoning and Land Development Regulations ordinance. Once the plat is reviewed and approved by Charleston County, it is then recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds (ROD).
A. The Zoning & Planning Department coordinates the Site Plan Review process involving County, state and local agencies. This "one stop shopping" concept allows the developer one point of contact for the project.
A. The Zoning & Planning Department ensures that a plat meets subdivision and zoning requirements. In addition, this Department ensures that building plans comply with the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control's drainage and septic tank regulations and meet accessibility requirements.
On March 14, 1942, the S.C. General Assembly passed the County Planning Act, permitting Charleston County to create a Planning Board. A month later, the Board of Commissioners appointed members to the board. On January 3, 1943, the commissioners hired a Planning Technician/Director. By March 24, 1943, the County Board of Commissioners approved the Planning Board's recommendations for an interim zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations and regulations for tourist courts and trailer camps. On December 27, 1944, the Commissioners created the Board of Adjustment and appointed its members.
In June 1945, the Legislative Delegation, who at the time controlled the County's fiscal activities, declined funding for continuation of the Planning Board's activities. The Planning Director and Assistant Director resigned, leaving no administrative entity to enforce planning legislation.
Upon recommendation of the Chairman of the Planning Board Advisory Committee, in 1953 County Council created the Planning Department to write and administer the County's Subdivision Ordinance, which was adopted in 1955. Enabling legislation passed by the S.C. General Assembly authorized adoption of this ordinance and subsequent zoning ordinances.
The Planning Act of 1994 mandated that by May 3, 1999, all South Carolina counties must bring plans and zoning ordinances into conformity with the provisions of the act. This law specifies how local governments must organize their planning commissions and boards of zoning appeals, processes applications and enforces ordinances. It also requires each Planning Commission to develop comprehensive plans with public participation and make recommendations to the local governing bodies. Charleston County adopted the first Comprehensive Plan for the County on April 20, 1999 and adopted the 10 year update of the Plan on November 18, 2008. The County's Zoning and Land Development Regulations ordinance was adopted on November 20, 2001, and amended accordingly.
City of Charleston
City of Folly Beach
City of North Charleston
City of Isle of Palms
Town of Awendaw
Town of Hollywood
Town of James Island
Town of Kiawah Island
Town of Lincolnville
Town of McClellanville
Town of Meggett
Town of Mount Pleasant
Town of Ravenel
Town of Rockville
Town of Seabrook Island
Town of Sullivan's Island
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