Solicitation: | Vendor: | Date Posted: |
RFQ No. 5955-24C: IDC Construction Engineering & Inspection Services for Public Works Projects on As-Needed Basis | Awarded to: CECE HDR Construction Control Corporation ICE Mead & Hunt |
01/17/2025 |
RFQ No. 5971-25C: IDC Engineering Services for Public Works | Awarded to: Hazen and Sawyer Kimley-Horn Woolpert, Inc. Thomas and Hutton Engineering Company W.K. Dickerson & Company, Inc. |
01/17/2025 |
RFQ No. 6004-25C: LiDar for Charleston, Berkeley, and Orangeburg Counties | Awarded to: Woolpert, Inc. |
01/17/2025 |
RFQ No. 5986-25C: Raccoon Island Road Improvements | Awarded to: Lowcountry Siteworks, LLC |
01/17/2025 |
RFQ No. 5956-24C: IDC Engineering Services for Public Works Stormwater Regulatory Program | Awarded to: McCormick Taylor, Inc. Woolpert, Inc. |
01/17/2025 |
RFQ No. 5954-25C: Phillips Community Drainage Improvements | Awarded to Gulf Stream Constructions Company | 01/17/2025 |
RFQ No. 5959-24C: Riverland Road Multi-Use Path - CTC | Awarded to Braetr Construction | 01/17/2025 |
RFP 5949-24R: Design/Build Services for Azalea Phase 4 (EMS) | Awarded to Trident Construction LLC | 01/17/2025 |
IFB No. 6014 Automotive Paint & Body Repair Services as Needed | Awarded to: Jones Ford Bennett's Paint & Body Repair |
02/10/2025 |
RFP No. 5958-24C: FY24 Pavement Management Data Collection | Awarded to Michael Baker International | 02/10/2025 |
IFB No. 5987.24C: Fort Johnson Road and Secessionville Road Intersection Improvements TST | Notice of Rejection | 02/12/2025 |
IFB No. 6006-25K Lonnie Hamilton Building Transfer Switches | Notice of Cancellation | 02/13/2025 |
IFB No. 6031-25K The Sale of Property 3366 Rivers Ave and 2036 Cherokee Lane | Notice of Cancellation | 02/13/2025 |
RFQ 6019-25R: Commissioning Services for Capital Projects As-Needed |
Awarded to: Whole Building Systems, LLC The Epsten Group, Inc. |
03/05/2025 |
RFP No. 6020-25K Debt Collection Services for Deliquent Tax for Charleston County Revenue Collections | Awarded to American Financial Credit Services Inc | 03/24/2025 |
IFB No. 5997-25K Charleston County Enforcement Center Roof Replacement | Awarded to Keeting Roofing and Sheet Metal | 03/24/2025 |
IFB No. 6021-25K Charleston County 2024 Parking Garage Repairs | Awarded to Kennedy Richter Constrction LLC | 03/24/2025 |
Solicitation: | Vendor: | Date Posted: |
IFB No. 5858-24C; Road Work-2023 Resurfacing Plan CTC | Awarded to: Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc | 1/30/2024 |
IFB No. 5852-24C; Road Work-Andros Road | Awarded to: Truluck Construction Company | 1/30/2024 |
IFB No. 5814-23C; IDC Engineering Services for Public Works Stormwater Regulatory Program | Awarded to: AECOM | 1/30/2024 |
IFB No. 5872-24C; 2023 Hot In Place Recycling (HIR) Plan TST | Awarded to: Cutler Repaving Inc | 02/14/2024 |
IFB No. 5886-25C; SC 41 Corridor Interim Improvement TST | Awarded to: Truuck Construction Inc | 02/14/2024 |
IFB No. 5873-24C; International Blvd. at Centre Pointe Turn Lane Extension TST | Awarded to: Truluck Construction Inc | 02/14/2024 |
IFB No. 5860-24C; IDC Right -of-Way Services for Charleston County Transportation Project on As-Needed basis |
Awarded to: Michael Baker International O.R. Colan Associates LLC (ORC) RND Consultants Inc Telecommunication & Industrial Consulting Services Corporation (TELICS) |
02/14/2024 |
IFB No. 5861-24C; IDC-Engineering Services for Charleston County Transportation Committee (CTC) Related Projects on As-Needed Basis |
Awarded to: A. Mortan Thomas & Associates Inc Consor Engineers LLC Davis & Floyd Inc Infrastructure Consulting Engineers (ICE) Michael Baker International Parris & Partners LLC Reveer Group LLC STV Incorporated Stantec Conulting Services Thomas & Hutton Engineering Company Transystems Corporation |
02/14/2024 |
IFB No. 5876-24C; Slidel Street Paving TST | Awarded to: Eadies' Diva D Enterprises LLC | 02/14/2024 |
IFB No. 5890-24I; Disposal of Medical Waste for Various Departments | Awarded to: EcoSetris Inc | 03/14/2024 |
IFB No. 5897-24C; Road Work - Fort Johnson & Seccessionville Intersection Improvements | Notice of Rejection | 03/27/2024 |
RFQ No. 5869-24H; Open-Ended Consultant Service |
Awarded to: SKA Consulting Engineers, Inc. -1st Raymond Engineering-Georgia, Inc. - 2nd |
04/10/2024 |
IFB No. 5904-24K; Charleston County MRF Emergency Generators | Awarded to: Bohicket Construction LLC | 04/10/2024 |
RFQ No. 5891-24R; Energy Consultant Services for Measurement and Verification of ESCO | Awarded to: NV5 Planning & Design, Inc. | 05/08/2024 |
IFB No. 5864-24C; Road Work-Maybank Highway and Woodland Shores Complete Streets CTC | Notice of Rejection | 05/15/2024 |
IFB No. 5894-24C; E Nash and Mason Street Paving | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services LLC | 05/20/2024 |
IFB No. 5879-24C; Boone Hall Drainage Improvements | Awarded to: Gulf Stream Construction Company Inc. | 05/20/2024 |
IFB No. 5892-24C; Seaman Lane Paving Project TST | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 05/20/2024 |
IFB No. 5937-24C; Rock Material needed for Hut Road/Abrams Road Improvements | Green Dream International, LLC | 05/20/2024 |
IFB No. 5922-24C; Road Work-International Blvd. at Tanger Right Turn Lane CTC | Notice of Rejection | |
IFB No. 5929-24K; Herbicide Application Services | Awarded to: Opterra Solutions INC. | 05/16/2024 |
RFP No. 5935-24K; Design/Build Services for the James Island Fuel Facility | Notice of Rejection | 06/05/2024 |
RFQ No. 5916-24K: Architectural/Engineering Design Services for Charleston County Main Library Renovations | Awarded to: Liollio Architecture PC | 06/05/2024 |
IFB No. 5909-24C: E Northside Drive Sidewalk Phase II and Northwoods Blvd Sidewalk CTC | Awarded to: First Construction Management, LLC | 06/12/2024 |
IFB No. 5907-24B; Custodial and Floor Care Services for Libraries and Support Center | Awarded to: Complete Cleaning Services LLC | 06/24/2024 |
IFB No. 5957-24B Tire Repair Services As-Needed | Awarded to J.H. Williams Corporation (Williams Tre) | 07/23/2024 |
IFB No. 5910-24C; Sanders Road and Halfshell Lane Sidewalk Project CTC | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 08/16/2024 |
IFB No. 5893-24C; Trenchless Pipe Repair -Woodside, Heaton Place and Plymouth Ave | Awarded to: Nu-Pipe | 08/16/2024 |
IFB No. 5930-24C; CTC 2023 Resurfacing Plan B | Awarded to: Sanders Brothers Construction Company | 08/22/2024 |
RFQ No. 5856-24C; Construction Engineering & Inspection (CE&I) Services for Fort Johnson and Secessionville Intersection Improvements TST | Notice of Rejection | 08/22/2024 |
RFQ No. 5863-24C; Engineering Design and Permitting for S. Rhett and Bexley Intersection in Charleston County, SC | Notice of Rejection | 08/22/2024 |
IFB No. 5913-24C; New Road Paving TST | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 09/11/2024 |
IFB No. 5914-24C: 2024 Parking Lot Resurcfacing Plan | Awarded to: Truluck Construction, Inc | 09/19/2024 |
IFB No. 5985-25C; Rock Material needed for Old Military Road Improvements | Awarded to: Green Dream International, LLC | 09/23/2024 |
IFB No. 5943-24B Installation of Residential Septic Systems As-Needed |
Awarded to: JW Construction of Ridgeland, LLC Buckland Developers, LLC Walker & Sons Enterprises, LLC |
10/02/2024 |
RFQ No. 5928-24C: Construction Engineering 7 Inspection (CE&1) Services for US17 and Main Road Segment A | Awarded to ICE | 10/07/2024 |
RFQ No. 5931-24I; Payroll Audit Services for Charleston County Finance | Awarded to Plantar & Moran PLLC | 10/15/2024 |
IFB No. 5979-25B Installation of Residential Wells As-Needed | Awarded to Edge Solutions | 10/15/2024 |
IFB No. 5988-25B Selling Scrap Metal & White Goods | Awarded to Carolina Metals Group | 10/23/2024 |
Awarded to: CEMS Engineering RMF Engineering |
10/29/2024 |
IFB No. 5895-24C: Derries Road Paving Project & McBride Paving Project TST | Awarded to Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 11/20/2024 |
IFB No. 5991-24B Worksite Yoga and Barre Classes | Notice of Cancellation | 11/20/2024 |
Solicitation: | Vendor: | Date Posted: |
IFB No. 5773-23R: Public Services Building Safety Office Renovation | Awarded to : Satchel Construction, LLC | 1/5/2023 |
IFB No. 5762-23C; Road Work-2022 Resurfacing Plan CTC | Awarded to: Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc | 1/20/23 |
IFB No. 5669-22C; Road Work- Northern Pitchfork Improvements TST | Awarded to: Gulf Stream Construction Cooperation, Inc | 1/20/23 |
IFB No. 5757-23C; Rock Material needed for Hut Road Improvements | Awarded: Loadstar LLC | 1/31/23 |
IFB No. 5765-23C; Roadwork- Kay and Suzanne Street Plan | Awarded to: Eadie's Diva D Enterprises, LLC | 1/31/23 |
IFB No. 5767-23C; International Blvd. Pedestrian Bridge | Awarded to: Blutide Marine Construction, LLC | 2/1/23 |
IFB No. 5786-23C; Station 22.5 Intersection Improvements TST | Awarded to: KTC Enterprises, Inc. | 2/1/23 |
RFQ No. 5684-22C; Phased Engineering Design and Environmental Permitting Services for Dorchester Road Improvements from the Dorchester County Line to Michaux Parkway in Charleston County SC | Awarded to: Stantec Consulting Services, Inc | 2/1/23 |
IFB No. 5736-23C; Lexington and All-American Blvd. Mini Roundabout | Awarded to: Truluck Construction Inc | 2/1/23 |
IFB No. 5763-23C; Medical Plaza Drive at US78 Intersection Improvements TST | Awarded to: Truluck Construction, Inc | 2/1/23 |
IFB No. 5787-23C; 2022 Resurfacing Plan TST | Awarded to: Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc | 2/1/23 |
RFQ No. 5751-23R; Open Ended Civil Engineering; Landscape Architecture, Land Surveying Services | Awarded to: Thomas & Hutton Engineering Co. Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung, Inc Consulting Engineers of S.C. | 2/6/23 |
IFB No.5790-23C; Road Work- Carol Street Drainage Improvements | Notice of Rejection | 2/6/23 |
IFB No. 5791-23C; Road Work-Conquest Ave. paving project | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 2/13/23 |
IFB No. 5774-23C; Road Work-SC41 Corridor Interim Improvements TST | Notice of Rejection | 3/15/23 |
IFB No. 5813-23R; Provide Containerized Waste
Removal and Disposal for Designated Charleston
County Facilities |
Awarded to: Carolina Waste & Recycling, LLC | 03/24/2023 |
IFB No. 5752-23C; Gun Bluff Road Bridge Repairs | Awarded to: Truluck Construction, Inc. | 04/13/2023 |
RFP No. 5772-23I; Background Checks for Employment Candidates | Awarded to: SR&I, LLC | 05/01/2023 |
IFB No. 5823-23R; Coroner's Office Renovation and Expansion | Notice of Cancellation | 05/17/2023 |
RFP No. 5660-22L; Revenue Billing and Collections System | Awarded to: Manatron Inc. "Aumentum Technologies" | 05/23/2023 |
IFB No. 5769-23R Edisto EMS Station #8 Construction | Notice of Cancellation | 06/26/2023 |
IFB No. 5828-23C; Sanders Road and Halfshell Lane Sidewalk | Notice of Rejection | 08/16/2023 |
IFB No. 5839-23R: Custodial & Floor Care Services for the Social Services Hub | Awarded: SEJ Services, LLC | 8/23/2023 |
IFB No. 5839-23R: King and Queen Garage Parking Deck Repairs | Awarded to: Restocon Corporation | 8/23/2023 |
IFB No. 5841-23R; Elevator Maintenance at Various County Facilities | Awarded to: American Elevator Company | 8/23/2023 |
IFB No. 5847-23I; Pharmaceutical Supplies & Related Services for the DAODAS | Awarded to: NCS Healthcare of SC LLC DBA Omnicare of Charleston | 9/15/23 |
IFB No. 5819-23R; Historic Courthouse and Blake Tenement Repairs | Awarded to: WxProofing LLC | 10/12/2023 |
IFB NO. 5830-23C: Road Work Sweetgrass Basket Parkway Shared Use Path CTC | Awarded to :First Construction Management, LLC | 12/19/23 |
IFB NO. 5833-23C: Road Work Carol Street Drainage Improvement | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 12/19/23 |
IFB NO. 5831-23C: Road Way Pinckney Street Drainage TST |
Awarded to: Green Wave
Contracting, Inc. |
12/19/23 |
IFB NO. 5811-23C: Road Work Palmetto Commerce Interchange Overpass to I-26 | Awarded to: Banks Construction | 12/19/23 |
IFB NO. 5827-23C: Road Work Sanders Ave. Drainage Project CTC | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 12/19/23 |
IFB NO. 5785-23C: Road Work –Rockland Ave. CTC |
Awarded to: Truluck
Construction, Inc. |
12/19/23 |
IFB No. 5822-23C; 2023 Parking Lots Resurfacing Plan | Awarded to: Truluck Construction | 1/17/24 |
IFB No. 5853-24C; Road Work -East Ashley Drainage Project II CTC | Notice of Rejection | 1/18/24 |
IFB No. 5866-24R; Edisto EMS #8 | Awarded to: Hill Construction Services of Charleston, Inc | 1/25/24 |
IFB No. 5834-23C; 2023 Microsurfacing Plan CTC | Awarded to: Slurry Pavers, Inc | 1/17/24 |
Solicitation: | Vendor: | Date Posted: |
IFB No. 5624-22C; Road Work- Branjess Drive and Viola Court Improvements TST | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services LLC | 2/1/2022 |
IFB No. 5633-22C; Road Work- Maxwell Street Sidewalk Improvements TST | Awarded to: First Construction Management LLC | 2/1/2022 |
IFB No. 5599-22C; Road Work- Azalea Drive Sidewalk Projext TST | Awarded to: KTC Enterprises Inc | 2/1/2022 |
RFP No. 5569-21C; Standby Agreement for Debris Removal Monitoring Services in the Event of a Disaster | Awarded to: Rostan Solutions LLC | 2/2/2022 |
IFB No. 5591-22C; Road Work-Town of Mt. Pleasant 2020 Microsurfacing Plan | Awarded to: Slurry Pavers | 2/3/2022 |
IFB No. 5620-22C; 2021 Resurfacing Plan CTC | Awarded to: Sanders Brothers Construction Company | 2/3/2022 |
IFB No. 5627-22C; Road Work - E. Ashley Ave., Folly Beach Drainage Improvements Waterline Replacement and Sidewalk Replacement CTC | Awarded to: Truluck Construction Inc. | 2/3/2022 |
IFB No. 5625-22C; Resurfacing Ten (10) County Owned Parking Lots | Awarded to: Truluck Construction Inc | 2/3/2022 |
IFB No. 5623-22C; Roadwork- Kit Hall Paving Project TST | Awarded to: Coastal Asphalt LLC | 2/3/2022 |
IFB No. 5622-22C; Road-Work-Conrad Street Paving and Appalossa Project TST | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services LLC | 2/3/2022 |
RFP No. 5645-22I; Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) Race Equity Fellowship Program | Notice of Cancellation | 2/18/2022 |
IFB No. 5651-22C; Road Work-Scotia Street Drainage CTC | Notice of Rejection | 2/16/2022 |
IFB No. 5654-22C; Road Work- Pinckney Street Drainage Project TST | Notice of Rejection | 3/2/2022 |
RFP No. 5682-22R; Contracted Security Officer
Services |
Awarded to: Metropolitan Security Services, Inc. d/b/a Walden Security | 05/12/2022 |
IFB No. 5668-22C; Road Work - Palmetto Commerce Parkway & Crosspoint IX | Awarded to Gulf Stream Construction Company | 05/12/2022 |
RFQ No. 5646-22C; Indefinite Delivery Contract - Construction Engineering & Inspection Services on an As-Needed Basis |
Awarded to: HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas Infrastructure Consulting and Engineering (ICE) Michael Bakers International, Inc. |
05/12/2022 |
IFB No. 5666-22C; Road Work - Trexler Avenue Improvements | Awarded to: Allston Farrell Construction LLC | 05/12/2022 |
IFB No. 5652-22C; Sol Legare Right Turn Lane | Awarded to: Truluck Construction | 05/18/2022 |
IFB No. 5693-22C; Crosswalk Enhancements at 11 Intersections to include Dorchester Road & I-26 Traffic Signal Modifications TST | Notice of Rejection | 6/21/2022 |
IFB No. 5632-22C; Glenn McConnell Parkway Widening | Awarded to: Banks Construction Co | 6/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5671-22C; Steamboat Landing Bulkhead Replacement Project | Awarded to: Blutide Marine Construction | 6/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5652-22C; Sol Legare Road Turn Lane Project | Awarded to: Truluck Construction | 6/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5655-22C; Ashley Hall Plantation Road | Awarded to: Truluck Construction Inc. | 6/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5658-22C: Charles Brown Road Paving Project TST | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services | 6/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5657-22C; Bethel AME Church left turn lane on US17 Savannah Highway Project CTC | Awarded to: KTC Enterprises Inc. | 6/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5701-22C: Road-Work- Cottingham Drive SIdewalk Project CTC | Awarded to KTC Enterprises, Inc. | 6/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5586-22C; Camp Road (S-28) Sidewalk & Riverland Drive (S-53) Shared Use Path | Awarded to: IPW Construction Group, LLC | 6/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5647-22C; Road Work- Adele Street Improvements | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services | 6/23/2022 |
IFB No. 5744-23C; West Ashley Bikeway Crossing TST | Notice of Rejection | 9/16/2022 |
IFB No. 5691-22C; Road Work-Otranto Road and Deerwood Drive Intersections Improvements | Notice of Rejection | 9/16/2022 |
IFB No. 5754-23R; Custodial Services for the Social Services Hub | Awarded to: Complete Cleaning Services LLC | 9/21/2022 |
RFQ No. 5712-22R; Development Advisory and Master Planning Services for 995 Morrison Drive | Awarded to: Development Strategies | 9/21/2022 |
IFB No. 5698-22I; Provide Third Party Collection Services of Delingquent Tax for Charleston County Revenue Collections | Awarded to: Simon's Agency, Inc. | 9/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5700-22R; Public Services Building Repair of Selected Facade Components | Awarded to: Kennedy Richter Construction, LLC | 9/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5703-22R; Renovation of Public Services Building Greenbelt Suite | Awarded to: Satchel Construction, LLC | 9/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5715-22R; Public Services Building Repair of Selected Windows | Awarded to: Kennedy Richter Construction, LLC | 9/22/2022 |
IFB No. 5711-22C; East Northside SIdewalk Phase II | Notice of Rejection | 9/26/2022 |
IFB No. 5737-23C; Road Work- E. Oceanic Street Improvements TST | Notice of Rejection | 9/26/2022 |
RFQNo. 5732-22C; Roadway Design-Build Services for US-17/MAIN Road Corridor Segment -A project | Notice of Short List | 11/7/2022 |
RFQ No. 5694-22C; Indefinite Delivery Contract- Engineering Services for Public Works and Stormwater Projects |
Award to:
11/9/2022 |
IFB No. 5724-22R; Construction of Azalea Fuel Facility | Awarded to: Leitner Construction Company of the Carolinas, LLC | 11/17/2022 |
RFQ No. 5716-22R; Geotechnical, Environmental, Testing and Inspection Consultant as needed |
Awarded to: Soil Consultants, Inc Terracon Consultants, Inc |
11/28/2022 |
IFB No. 5721-23C; Palmetto Commerce Parkway and Carolina Commerce Parkway Signalization | Awarded to: Truluck Construction, Inc | 12/5/2022 |
IFB No. 5647-22C; Road Work-Adele Street Improvements | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 12/5/2022 |
IFB No. 5586-22C; Camp Road (S-28) Sidewalk & Riverland Drive (S-53) Shared Use Path | Awarded to: IPW Construction Group, LLC | 12/5/2022 |
IFB No. 5701-22C; Road Work- Cottingham Drive Sidewalk Project CTC | Awarded to: KTC Enterprises, Inc | 12/5/2022 |
IFB No. 5731-22C; Sea Island Community Sidewalk CTC | Awarded to: First Construction Managment LLC | 12/6/2022 |
IFB No. 5692-22C; Slidel Street Paving Project CTC | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 12/6/2022 |
IFB No. 5702-22C Road Work-Forest Lakes Blvd Drainage Repairs | Awarded to: Vortex Services, LLC | 12/9/2022 |
RFQ No. 5747-23C: IDC Engineering Services for Public Works Stormwater Regulatory Program |
Short Listed to: A. Morton Thomas & Associates McCormick Taylor, Inc. & Woolpert, Inc |
12/9/2022 |
IFB No. 5782-23R; Water Treatment Services fo HVAC System at Various County Facilities | Awarded to: The Metro Group, Inc | 12/12/2022 |
RFP No. 5672-22R; Design/Build Services for the Tri-County Biological Science Center | Awarded to: Contract Construction | 12/12/2022 |
IFB No. 5779-23I; Purchase of Uniforms for the Sheriff's Office and Detention Center | Awarded to: Uniforms by John | 12/15/2022 |
IFB No. 5779-23I; Purchase of Boots for the Sheriff's Office and Detention Center | Awarded to: Uniforms by John | 12/15/2022 |
RFP No. 5739-23L; Climate Action Plan | Awarded to: Sustainability Solutions Group USA, Inc. | 12/16/2022 |
IFB No. 5773-23R: Public Services Building Safety Office Renovation | Awarded to : Satchel Construction, LLC | 1/5/2023 |
Solicitation: | Vendor(s): | Date: |
RFP No. 5529-21L; Fire RMS | Image Trend | 08/27/2021 |
IFB No. 5561-21R; Carpet Cleaning Service for Charleston County Buildings | Awarded to:PF&H, INC d/b/a Servicemaster of Charleston | 06/25/2021 |
RFP No. 5534-21R; Design Build for the Azalea Complex | Awared to: Trident Constuction, LLC | 06/25/2021 |
IFB No. 5537-21I; Provide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for Charleston County Employees | Notice of Cancellation | 06/11/2021 |
IFB 5508-21R; Charleston County Detention Center Tower A Roof Replacement | Awarded to: AAR of North Carolina Inc | 03/31/2021 |
IFB No. 5527-21C; FY20 Resurfacing North Charleston | Awarded to Sanders Brothers Construction Company | 02/24/2021 |
RFQ No. 5473-20C; Phased Engineering Design & Environmental Permitting (NEPA) Services for 78 Improvements from Rivers Ave to the DOrchester County Line in CHarleston County | Awarded to Michael Baker Inc. | 02/24/2021 |
RFQ No. 5504-21R IDC Archietectural and Engineering Services for Facilities on as needed basis |
Awarded to: 5504-1 Glick Boehm & Associates Inc. 5504-2 Liollio Archietecture PC 5504-3 LS3P Associates LTD 5504-4-Rosenblum Coe Architects, Inc. 5504-5 SMHa Inc. |
03/09/2021 |
IFB No. 5536-21I; Provide Drug Testing Services for County Employees | Awarded to Low Country Drug Screening LLC | 04/13/2021 |
RFQ No. 5453-20R; Design and Construction Administration Services for Azalea Fuel Facility | Awarded to: Weston & Sampson Engineers Inc | 03/25/2021 |
IFB No. 5573-21C; Roadwork-Ashley Hall Plantation Road Right Turn Lane-TST | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 07/14/2021 |
RFQ No. 5547-21J; Professional Engineering Services for Solid Waste Projects as needed | Notice of Cancellation | 07/20/2021 |
RFQ No. 5548-21J; Environmental Monitoring Services for Solid Waste Projects as Needed | Notice of Cancellation | 07/20/2021 |
RFQ No. 5521-21C; Engineering Design and Permitting Servics for Central Park Culvert Replacement | Awarded to Thomas and Hutton Engineering | 07/23/2021 |
IFB No. 5541-21C Lighthouse Blvd Sidewalk Project | Awarded to Allston Farrell Construction LLC | 07/232021 |
IFB No. 5565-21R; Custodial and Floor Care Services for Various Charleston County Facilities | Awarded to The Budd Group, Inc. | 0726/2021 |
IFB No. 5511-21C; IDC Transportation Sales tax Allocation Projects on an As Needed Basis |
Awarded to the following:
09/01/2021 |
IFB No. 5572-21C; Ruffin Road Paving Project TST | Awarded to: Truluck Roadway Services LLC | 09/03/2021 |
IFB No. 5581--21C; Roadwork-SC41 Corridor Interim Improvements TST | No BIDS were receieved | 09/08/2021 |
RFQ No. 5523-21C; Dorchester Road from Dorchester County line to Michaux Parkway | Notice of Cancellation | 0913/2021 |
IFB No. 5590-21C; Road Work-2020 Scrub & Cape Seal Plant CTC | Awarded to: Slurry Pavers Inc | 10/21/2021 |
IFB No. 5578-22C; TST 2021 Resurfacing Plan | Awarded to: Banks Construction Company | 11/22/2021 |
IFB No. 5577-22C; Bees Ferry Road at Sanders Road Traffic Signal | Awarded to: Red Electrical Designs, LLC | 11/22/2021 |
IFB No. 5589-22C; IDC- Engineering Services for CTC Related Projects on an As-Needed Basis |
Awarded to the following :
11/22/2021 |
IFB No. 5638-22R; Custodial Services for the Charleston Center | Awarded to: Complete Cleaning Services | 12/3/2021 |
RFP No. 5640-22I; Background Checks for Employment Candidates | Notice of Cancellation | 12/22/21 |
IFB No. 5636-22I; Custodial Care for the Al Cannon Detention Center & Juvenile Detention Center | Awarded to: SEJ Services LLC | 12/23/21 |
RFQ No. 5618-22R; Open Ended Architectural/Engineering Consultant for Charleston County |
Awarded to: 1. LS3P Associates LTD 2. Liollio Architecture PC |
1/7/2022 |
Solicitation: | Vendor(s): | Date: |
RFQ No. 5473-20C; Phased Engineering Design & Environmental Permitting (NEPA) Services for 78 Improvements from Rivers Ave to the DOrchester County Line in CHarleston County | Awarded to Michael Baker International Inc. | 02/24/2021 |
IFB No. 5522-21C; Rotherwood Driveway Repairs | Awarded First Construction Management LLC | 01/19/2021 |
IFB No. 5518-21C; Belle Hall Parkway at Paul Foster Road Roundabout | Awarded to Truluck Construction Inc. | 01/19/2021 |
IFB No. 5516-21C; North Forest Drive Sidewalk Improvements | Awarded to Landscape Pavers LLC | 01/19/2021 |
IFB No 5484-20C; Shell House Road Paving | Awarded to Truluck Roadway Services LLC | 01/19/2021 |
IFB No. 5502-21C; Rosebank Road Improvements Projects | Awarded to Landscape Pavers LLC | 01/19/2021 |
RFP No. 5495-21H; Inmate Commissary Services | Awarded to Aramark Correctional Services | 12/22/2020 |
IFB No. 5510-21I; Employee Medical Services | Awarded to Roper St. Francis Occupational Medicine | 12/18/2020 |
IFB No. 5469-20R; Charleston County Detention Center Energy Plant Chiller 1 and 2 Replacement and Piping Modifications | Awarded to Triad Mechanical Contractors Inc | 12/15/2020 |
IFB No. 5507-21I; Purchase of Uniforms Awendaw-McClellanville Fire Department Lot A | Awarded to Uniforms by John LLC | 12/8/2020 |
IFB No. 5507-21I; Purchase of Uniforms Awendaw-McClellanville Fire Department Lot B | Awarded to Safe industries | 12/8/2020 |
IFB No. 5485-21C; Ezekial Avenue Drainage Improvement | Awarded to Landscape Pavers LLC | 11/30/2020 |
IFB No. 5476-21C; Dills Bluff Road Sidewalk | Awarded to Blutide Marine Construction | 11/30/2020 |
IFB No. 5486-21C; Grimball Road Drainage Improvement | Awarded to Truluck Construction Inc | 11/30/2020 |
IFB No. 5481-21C; Stuart Engals Blvd Sidewalk | Awarded to Blutide Marine Construction | 11/30/2020 |
RFP No. 5470-20C; Pavement Management Data Collection | Awarded to ARRB Group Inc. | 11/30/2020 |
IFB No. 5500-21R; Design and Construction Administration Services for Redevelopment of Azalea Complex | Notice of Cancellation | 11/17/2020 |
IFB No. 5515 Installation of Residential Wells (6 Sites) | Awarded to American Enterprise Beaufort LLC, dba Pinckney Well Drilling | 11/2/2020 |
IFB No. 5492-21J; Provide Armored Car Services for CHarleston County | Notice of Cancellation | 10/27/2020 |
IFB No. 5483-21J; Registered Lobbyist Services for Charleston County | Notice of Cancellation | 10/27/2020 |
RFP No. 5435-20L; Outsourcing of Technology Services | Notice of Cancellation | 10/21/2020 |
IFB No. 5491-21J; Provide Waste Tire Transportation and Processing for the Charleston County Environmental Management Department | Notice of Cancellation | 10/09/2020 |
RFP No. 5493-21I; Bond Counsel | Notice of Cancellation | 09/30/2020 |
IFB No. 5490-21I; Pest ControlServices for Various Charleston County Facilities | Awarded to Barrier Guard LLC | 09/17/2020 |
IFB No. 5422-20I; Medical Supplies for the EMS Department | Awarded to Bound Tree Medical LLC | 08/13/2020 |
RFP No. 5488-21J; Consulting Services to Conduct a Study and Analysis Impediments to Fair Housing in Charleston County | Awarded to Civitas, LLC | 08/12/2020 |
RFQ No. 5450-20C: Preconstruction Support and CE&I Services For Glenn McConnell Parkway Widening |
Awarded to Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering PLLC | 08/10/2020 |
K# 5468; TST FY 2020 Asphalt Rejuvenation Plan |
Awarded to Pavement Technology Inc. | 08/10/2020 |
IFB NO. 5467-20C: TST 2020 Onyx Mastic Surface Treatment Plan |
Awarded to Slurry Pavers Inc. | 08/10/2020 |
RFQ No. 5440-20C: Indefinite Delivery Contract Engineering Services for Public Works On an As Needed Basis |
1. Davis & Floyd Inc. 2. Hazen and Sawyer 3. Stantec Consulting Services Inc 4. Thomas and Hutton 5. Woolpert Inc |
08/10/2020 |
RFP No. 5441-20C: Standby Contract for Debris Management and Other Emergency Resources and Services |
Awarded to Ashbritt Inc. and Phillip & Jordan Inc. | 08/10/2020 |
IFB No. 5463-20I; Perform Interior and Exterior Painting of County Facillities as Needed | Notice of Cancellation | 08/06//2020 |
IFB No. 5452-20C; 2020 Resurfacing Plan CTC | Awarded to Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc. | 08/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5409-20C; Pre-Construction Support CE&I Services for Palmetto Commerce Interchange | Awarded to HDR Construction Control Corporation | 08/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5461-20; Folly Road at Camp Road Intersection Improvements: Tree Mitigation and Landscaping Project | Awarded to Truluck Construction, Inc. | 08/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5460-20C; TST 2020 Resurfacing Plan | Awarded to Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc. | 08/04/2022 |
IFB No. 5477-20C; Palmetto Commerce Parkway at Patriot Blvd. Intersection Improvements | Awarded to Truluck Construction, Inc. | 08/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5455-20C; Painswick and Stanwick Road Paving | Awarded toTruluck Construction, Inc. | 08/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5447-20C; Palmetto Commerce Parkway at Patriot Boulevard Intersection Improvements | Awarded to Truluck Construction Inc. | 06/19/2020 |
RFQ No. 5409-20C; Preconstruction Support and CE&I Services for Palmetto Commerce Interchange | Awarded to HDR Construction Control Corporation | 06/19/2020 |
RFP No 5391-20L; Revenue Collections Software | GovSense | 06/03/2020 |
RFP No. 5443-20H; Inmate Medical Services | Awarded to Wellpath LLC | 06/03/2020 |
IFB No. 5459-20C; Purchase of Non Woven Geotxtile Fabric | Awarded to Fortline Inc. | 06/02/2020 |
IFB No. 5456-20C: Purchase of Various Rock | Awarded to: Vulcan Construction | 06/01/2020 |
IFB No. 5458-20C; Purchase of Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) | No Bids Received, no award made | 06/01/2020 |
RFP No. 5374-19L; Charleston County Consolidated 9-1-1 Center Next Generation Core Services and Emergency IP Network | Awarded to: Communication Ventures Corp. d/b/a Indigital | 05/20/2020 |
IFB No. 5461-20C; Folly Road at Camp Intersection Improvements/ Tree Mitigation and Landscaping Project | Awarded to: Truluck Construction, Inc. | 05/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5452-20C; CTC 2020 Resurfacing Plan | Awarded to: Sander Brothers | 05/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5451-20C; CTC Northside Drive Sidewalk Project | Awarded to: Landscape Pavers, LLC | 05/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5449-20C; Maybank Highway at River Road Intersection Improvement Project | Awarded to: Gulf Stream | 05/04/2020 |
IFB No. 5432-20I; Perform Interior and Exterior Painting of County
Facilities as Needed |
Notice of Cancellation | 02/27/2020 |
IFB No. 5421-20C; Wappoo Road at SC Highway 61 Intersection Improvements | Awarded to: First Construction Management LLC | 02/05/2020 |
IFB No. 5417-20C; IOP Connector for Palm Blvd. Sidewalk Installation | Awarded to: KTC Enterprises, Inc. | 02/05/2020 |
IFB No. 5408-20C; Orleans Road Sidewalk Installation TST | Awarded to: Landscape Pavers, LLC | 01/27/2020 |
IFB No. 5419-20R; Provide and Install Two New Fiberglass Sewer Tanks
and Grinding Pumps at Charleston County K-9 Facility |
Notice of Cancellation | 01/03/2020 |
Solicitation: | Vendor(s): | Date: |
IFB No. 5396-20C; West 9th Street Roadway Imporvement TST | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 12/13/2019 |
RFP No. 5391-20L; Revenue Collections Software | GovSense | 12/02/2019 |
RFQ No. 5389-20C; Indefinite Delivery Contract-Engineering Service for Charleston County Transportation Development Committee (CTC) Related Projects on an as-needed basis |
Awarded to: 1. Davis and Floyd Inc. 2. Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering PLLC 3. J. Bragg Consulting Inc. 4. KCI Technologies Corporation 5. Michael Baker International 6. Reveer Group LLC 7. Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 8. Thomas and Hutton 9. TranSystems Corporation 10. Volkert Inc. |
11/21/2019 |
IFB No. 5403-20I; Uniforms for Public Works on an as-needed basis | Notice of Cancellation | 11/13/2019 |
IFB No. 5395-20C; Ashley Hall Plantation Road Bridge Replacement CTC | Gulf Stream Construction Company, Inc. | 11/04/2019 |
IFB No. 5340-219L; Charleston County Consolidated 9-1-1 Center Next Generation 9-1-1 Telephony System | West Safety Solutions Corporation | 10/25/2019 |
RFQ No. 5398-20J; Professional Engineering Services for Solid Waste Projects As-Needed | Notice of Cancellation | 10/09/2019 |
IFB No. 5382-19H; Standby Contract for Emergency Roadway Debris Clearance, Debris Removal and Disposal, and Other Emergency Resources and Services that can be Readily Activated in the Event of a Disaster | Notice of Cancellation | 10/07/2019 |
IFB No. 5387-19W; Bees Ferry Landfill Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Cell 5 Liner Construction | Notice of Cancellation | 10/02/2019 |
IFB No. 5385-19R; Charleston County Detention Center Envelope Repair and Coating | Notice of Cancellation | 10/02/2019 |
IFB No. 5400-20R; Maintenance and Repair on HVAC Equipment in Chalreston County Facilities | Notice of Cancellation | 09/26/2019 |
IFB No. 5368-19C; Victory Lane Paving | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 09/26/2019 |
IFB No. 5383-19C; Morrison Court Drainage Improvement Project TST | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 09/26/2019 |
IFB No. 5379-19C; Quail Drive Sidewalk Installation | Landscape Pavers, LLC | 09/18/2019 |
IFB No. 5360-19R; Charleston County Radio Tower Replacements | Notice of Rejection | 08/13/2019 |
IFB No. 5386-19R; Provide and Install Three (3) ADA Platform Lifts | All Medical, Inc. | 08/05/2019 |
IFB No. 5390-19J; Purchase One (1) 2019 Ford F250XL, Crew Cab 4x4 Truck, 6 3/4 Foot Bed | Ravenel Ford | 06/26/2019 |
IFB No. 5378-19C; Lancing Drive Sidewalk Installation CTC | First Construction Management, LLC | 06/11/2019 |
IFB No. 5367-19C; CTC 2019 Resurfacing Plan | Sanders Brothers Construction Company | 06/11/2019 |
IFB No. 5363-19C; Carriage Lane Sidewalk Installation TST | KTC Enterprises, Inc. | 06/11/2019 |
IFB No. 5359-19C; TST 2019 Resurfacing Plan | Sanders Brothers Construction Company | 06/11/2019 |
IFB No. 5355-19C; Seacoast Parkway Sidewalk Installation CTC | KTC Enterprises, Inc. | 06/11/2019 |
RFP No. 5236-18C; Professional Consultant Services for a Pavement Management Program Assessment and System Software | The Kercher Group, Inc. | 06/11/2019 |
RFP No. 5364-19H; Auditing Service for Charleston County Financial Statement | Scott and Company | 05/30/2019 |
IFB No. 5366-19J; Drug Testing Services for Drug Courts | Notice of Cancellation | 05/14/2019 |
IFB No. 5375-19P; Custodial Services for Wando Mt. Pleasant and Baxter Patrick James Island Libraries | Complete Cleaning Services, LLC | 05/09/2019 |
IFB No. 5352-19R; Awendaw Fire Station #7 New Construction |
Brantley Construction Services,LLC DBA Brantley Construction Company, LLC |
05/08/2019 |
RFP No. 5346-19L; Text Messaging Software | Citibot, Inc. | 05/01/2019 |
IFB No. 5329-19C; New Road Rocking from Old Jacksonboro Road to Highway 165 TST | Landscape Pavers, LLC. | 04/16/2019 |
IFB No. 5354-19J; Rental of Uniforms, Mats and Rags for Charleston County Fleet Operations and Parts Warehouse | Notice of Cancellation | 04/16/2019 |
IFB No. 5350-19C; Wappoo Road at SC Highway 61 Intersection Improvements TST | Notice of Rejection | 04/09/2019 |
IFB No. 5356-19C; Lansing Drive Sidewalk Installation CTC | Notice of Rejection | 04/03/2019 |
IFB No. 5333-19R; King and Queen Garage Coating and Railing Replacement | Notice of Rejection | 03/28/2019 |
IFB No. 5349-19Z; Purchase and Delivery Of Granitic Aggregate Base Course (Macadam Base) | Vulcan Materials Co. | 03/20/2019 |
IFB No. 5342-19C; Morrison Court Drainage Improvement Project TST | Notice of Rejection | 03/18/2019 |
RFP No. 5307-19L; Consultant To Prepare Strategic Plan for The Ecomomic Development Department | TIP Strategies, Inc. | 03/06/2019 |
IFB No. 5337-19P; Custodial Services for Charleston Center | CMA Services, Inc. | 02/28/2019 |
IFB No. 5339-19L; Steamboat Landing Bulkhead and Bridge Repair |
Rakes Building and Maintenance Contractors, LLC dba Bluetide Marine Construction |
02/22/19 |
IFB No. 5327-19C; Rembert Road Paving TST | Landscape Pavers, LLC. | 02/19/19 |
IFB No. 5326-19C; South Commerce Center Turn Lane | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 02/19/19 |
IFB No. 5312-19L; Edgar Allen Poe Library Roof Replacement | IPW Construction Group, LLC | 01/08/19 |
IFB No. 5302-19C; Provide On Call Right-Of-Way Services |
Michael Baker International THC, Inc. Primacq Group |
12/12/18 |
RFQ No. 5304-19C; Indefinite Delivery Contract-Engineering Services for Transportation Development on As Needed Basis |
AECOM Technical Services, Inc. Davis and Floyd, Inc. HDR Engineering Inc. of Carolinas Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC J. Bragg Consulting, Inc. Michael Baker International Ramey Kemp and Associates, Inc Reveer Group, LLC Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. Thomas and Hutton TranSystems Corporation Weston and Sampson Engineers,, Inc. |
12/12/18 |
IFB No. 5315-19C; Grand Concourse Sidewalk Connection TST | KTC Enterprises, Inc. | 12/12/18 |
IFB No. 5314-19C; Rivers Ave, Dual Turn Lane Extension at Remount Road TST | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 12/12/18 |
IFB No. 5316-19C; Rivers Ave. at Mall Drive Turn Lane at MUSC Facility | Banks Construction Company | 12/12/18 |
IFB No. 5324-19C; US17 (Savannah Hwy) at SC7 (Sam Rittenberg Blvd.) Left Turn Lane Extension TST | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 12/12/18 |
IFB No. 5317-19C; Palmetto Commerce Parkway Trade Drive Intersection Improvements TST | Red Electrical Designs, LLC | 12/12/18 |
IFB No. 5318-19L; Judicial Center Electrical Testing | Transworld, Inc. Electrical Contractors | 11/15/18 |
IFB No. 5300-19L; Sheriff's Office FAllen Officer Memorial Project | IPW Construction Group, LLC | 11/15/18 |
RFP No. 5294-19Z; Bond Counsel | Howell Linkous & Nettles, LLC | 11/15/18 |
IFB No. 5313-19C; Sycamore Ave. Sidewalk Connections TST | Red Electrical Designs, LLC | 10/31/18 |
IFB No. 5296-19C; US 17(Savannah Hwy.) at SC7 (Sam Rittenburg Blvd.) Left Turn Lane Extension TST | Notice of Rejection | 10/30/18 |
RFQ No. 5302-19C; Provide On Call Right-of-Way Services |
Michael Baker International THC, Inc. Primacq Group |
10/22/18 |
IFB NO. 5286-19J; Landscape and Maintenance Services for Nine (9) Convenience Centers for the Environmental Management Department | Smalls Family Tree Service and Landscaping | 10/10/18 |
RFP NO. 5285-19R; The Sale of Property 3600 Rivers Avenue | Notice of Cancellation | 09/24/18 |
RFP NO. 5288-19R; To Provide Management and Other Services for 3600 Rivers Avenue | Notice of Cancellation | 08/24/18 |
IFB No. 5297-19L; SmartRayVision Extreme Digital X-Ray Part Number P1417V10 | Federal Resources Supply Co. |
08/17/18 |
Solicitation: | Vendor(s): | Date: |
IFB No. 5243-18J; Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Disposal Services At Environmental Management Department, Bees Ferry Landfill | Clean Earth of Alabama, Inc. | 08/23/18 |
IFB No. 5259-18C; Manor Road Drainage | IPW Construction Group, LLC | 08/09/2018 |
IFB No. 5276-18C; Stinson Drive Sidewalk Project CTC | Landscape Pavers, LLC | 08/08/2018 |
IFB No. 5281-18Z; Metro Squad Compound Fence Repair and Replacement | Notice of Cancellation |
08/08/2018 |
RFP No. 5186-18Z; Standby Contract for Emergency Roadway Debris Clearance, Debris Removal and Disposal, and Other Emergency Resources and Services that can be Readily Activated in the Event of a Disaster | Notice of Cancellation | 8/01/2018 |
IFB No. 5256-18R; Public Services Building Human Resources/Community Development Renovation | Notice of Cancellation | 7/25/2018 |
IFB No. 5277-18C; 28th Avenue Sifewalk TST | 1st Management Construction, LLC | 7/11/2018 |
IFB No. 5275-18C; Anna Knapp Boulevard Sidewalk TST | 1st Management Construction, LLC | 7/11/2018 |
IFB No. 5243-18J; Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Disposal Services at Environmental Management Department Bees Ferry Landfill |
Contract Awarded |
07/11/2018 |
IFB No. 5271-18L; Landscape MaintemanceServices for 3600 Rivers Avenue | Grounds Maintenance, Inc. | 06/29/2018 |
IFB No. 5266-18C; Pelzer Drive Sideway | First Construction Management, LLC | 06/28/2018 |
IFB No. 5268-18C;-CTC 2018 Resurfacing Plan | Banks Construction Company |
06/27/2018 |
IFB No. 5269-18J; Installation of Residential Septic Systems 6 Properties |
Randolph Septic Tank | 06/01/2018 |
IFB No. 5269-18J; Installation of Residential Septic Systems 7 Properties |
Buckland Developers, LLC | 06/01/2018 |
RFQ No. 5227-18C; Engineering Design and Permitting for Savannah Highway Capacity and Inspection Improvements | Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. |
05/17/2018 |
RFQ No. 5179-17C; Phased Engineering Design and Environmental
Permitting (NEPA) for Palmetto Commerce Parkway Phase 3 in
Charleston County, SC |
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. | 05/17/2018 |
IFB No. 5237-18C; TST Folly road at Grimball Road Traffic Signal Mast Arm Installation | W.M. Roebuck, Inc. | 05/17/2018 |
RFQ No. 5212-18C; Engineering Design & Permitting for Glenn McConnell Parkway Road Widening | Davis & Floyd, Inc. | 05/17/2018 |
IFB No. 5247-18C; Microsurfacing and Town of Mount Pleasant 2017 Microsurfacing | Slurry Pavers, Inc. |
05/17/2018 |
IFB No. 5244-18J; Environmental Management Curbside Collection Service for Unicorporated Areas of Charleston County |
Notice of Cancellation | 04/10/2018 |
IFB No. 5242-18R; Seaside Lane Sidewalk Improvements (CTC) | Contract Awarded | 03/28/2018 |
RFP No. 5197-18J; EMS Billing, Collection, and Posting Services. | DIGITECH COMPUTER INCORPORATED | 03/21/2018 |
RFQ No. 5207-18C; Engineering Design and Permitting for Central Park and Riverland Drive Intersection Improvements in Charleston County, SC | AECOM | 03/16/2018 |
IFB No. 5234-18C; Manor Road Drainage | Notice of Rejection | 03/14/2018 |
IFB No. 5235-18J; Provide Waste Composition Study for Charleston County Environmental Mangement Department | Notice of Cancellation | 01/09/2018 |
IFB No. 5228-18C; Hollings Road and Sonny Boy Lane - Road Project | Eadie's Diva D Enterprise, LLC | 03/05/2018 |
Solicitation: | Vendor(s): | Date: |
RFQ No. 5145-17C; US-17/Savannah Highway/ Ashley River Bridges/ Crosstown Congestion & Infrastructure Improvement Study Charleston County, SC | Ramp Kemp & Associates, Inc. | 12/20/2017 |
IFB No. 5208-18C; Turn Lanes for Charleston County Emergency Management Center CTC | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 12/20/2017 |
IFB No. 5202-18Z; Purchase and Installation of Cameras for Cumberland Street Garage | CodeLynx, Inc. | 12/08/2017 |
IFB No. 5173-17R; Law Enforcement Center Cooling Tower Addition | Triad Mechanical Contractors | 12/08/2017 |
RFQ No. 5087-17V; Open-Ended Contracts for Civil Engineering, Landscaping Architecture and Land Surveying Services |
1.Forsberg Engineering & Surveying, Inc. 2. Hussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung, Inc. Consulting Engineers of S.C. |
12/07/2017 |
RFQ No. 5148-17C; Engineering Design and Permitting for Airport Connector Road | Reveer Group, LLC | 12/06/2017 |
RFQ No. 5158-18C; On-Call Design/Consultant Engineering Services for Public Works |
1.Thomas and Hutton Engineering Company 2. Davis & Floyd, Inc. 3. Michael Baker International, Inc. |
12/05/2017 |
RFQt No. 5190-17C; Sullivan's Island Crosswalks | Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 12/04/2017 |
Contract No. 5233-18C; TST FY18 Asphalt Rejuventation Plan for TOMP | Pavement Technology, Inc. | 12/04/2017 |
IFB No. 5188-18C; Park West Blvd Sidewalk CTC | Truluck Roadway Services, Inc. | 12/04/2017 |
IFB No. 5221-18C; Purchase of Boots for the Sheriff's Office and Detention Center | Uniforms by John, Inc. | 12/01/2017 |
IFB No. 5220-18C; Purchase of Uniforms for the Sheriff's Office and Detention Center | Uniforms by John, Inc. | 12/01/2017 |
RFQ No. 5223-18C; Pelzer Drive Sidewalk | Notice of Rejection | 11/28/2017 |
IFB No. 5180-17C; CTC 2016 Resurfacing Plan "C" | Sanders Brothers Construction Co. Inc | 11/15/2017 |
Contract No. 5226-18C; Design Services for Calhoun Street - James Island Connector Intersection Improvements Project | HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas | 11/14/2017 |
IFB No. 5219-18J; Purchase Forty (40) New Titan C151 V5 - Intel Skylake Xeon E3 - 1200 V5 Workstation PC up to 4 Cores | Ace Computers | 11/14/2017 |
Contract No. 5204-17C; TST Asphalt Rejuventation Plan | Pavement Technology, Inc. | 11/14/2017 |
IFB No. 5225-18Z; Purchase of Vehicle Parts for the Sheriff's Office | West Chatham Warning Devices, Inc. | 11/14/2017 |
IFB No. 5214-18C; Manor Road Drainage Improvements | Notice of Rejection | 11/02/2017 |
RFP No. 5089-17C; Phased Engineering Design and Environmental Permitting (NEPA) for US 17 at Main Road (S-20) Interchange Improvements and Main Road Widening in Charleston County, South Carolina | Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC | 10/31/2017 |
RFP No. 5150-17C; Implementation of an Automated Court Hearing Notification System | DiRad Technologies | 10/24/2017 |
IFB No. 5142-17Z; Inspection, Testing, and Repair of Fire Detection and Suppression Equipment and Systems at Various Charleston County Facilities | Simplex Grinnell | 10/19/2017 |
IFB No. 5175-17C; CTC 2017 Resurfacing Plan "A" | Banks Construction | 10/18/2017 |
IFB No. 5209-18Z; Purchase and Delivery of Class B Riprap | W Frazier Construction Inc. | 10/11/2017 |
IFB No. 5193-18Z; Purchase of King Vision Laryngoscopes | Boundtree Medical, LLC | 10/05/2017 |
IFB No. 5198-18Z; Custodial Services for the Main Library | Complete Cleaning Services, LLC | 09/27/2017 |
RFP No. 5122-17W; Architectual/Engineering Design Services for Charleston County Public Library Support Center, 22,300 SQ. FT. Building Renovation | Liollio Architects | 09/27/2017 |
IFB No. 5181-17C; TST Glenn McConnell Parkway at Bees Ferry Road Turn Lane Improvements | Notice of Rejection | 09/18/2017 |
IFB No. 5191-18Z; Removal and Installation of LED Lights for Garages at Cumberland Street and King and Queen Street | Notice of Cancellation | 09/13/2017 |
IFB No. 5176-17C; US 17 at Parkers Ferry Road Turn Lane CTC | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 09/05/2017 |
IFB No. 5159-17C; 2016 Resurfacing TST | Sanders Brothers Construction Co. Inc | 09/05/2017 |
IFB No. 5206-18J; Installation of Residential Wells (19) | American Enterprise Beaufort, LLC DBA Pinckney Well Drilling | 08/31/2017 |
IFB No. 5160-17C; East Montague Avenue Crosswalk Project | AOS Speciality Contractors Inc. | 07/31/2017 |
IFB No. 5187-17J; "For Sale" Charleston County is Selling Scrap Metal & White Goods from the Bees Ferry Landfill | Charleston Steel & Metal, Co. | 07/26/2017 |
RFP No. 5140-17W; Provide Contracted Security Officer Services for Charleston County Goverment | Metropolitan Security Services Inc. dba Walden Security | 07/18/2017 |
IFB No. 5162-17C; Lincolnville Roadway Improvements - West Hamilton Street and Calhoun Street | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 06/26/2017 |
IFB No. 5178-17Z; Fence Installation at Charleston County Emergency Services Building | Notice of Rejection | 06/23/2017 |
IFB No. 5177-17J; Leachate Hauling Services at Environmental Management, Bees Ferry Landfill | Notice of Rejection | 06/23/2017 |
IFB No. 5157-17Z; Convection Steamer Replacement | Contract Awarded | 06/21/2017 |
IFB No. 5152-17C; TST Traffic Signal on Palmetto Commerce Parkway at Daimler Marshalling Yard | W. M. Roebuck, Inc. | 06/16/2017 |
IFB No. 5127-17C; Maybank Highway Improvements TST | Banks Construction Company | 05/15/2017 |
RFQt No. 5155-17C; Archies Drive and Roper Run Road | Truluck Roadway Services, LLC | 05/15/2017 |
RFP No. 5109-17C; Preliminary Design and Environmental Permitting (NEPA) for Improvements along the SC41 Corridor in Charleston County, SC | HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas | 05/15/2017 |
RFP No. 5149-17J; Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software | Conrin, Incorporated | 05/12/2017 |
IFB No. 5166-17J; Recycling/Reuse Collection of Glass Containers from the County of Charleston Businesses | Fisher Recycling, LLC. | 05/12/2017 |
RFQ No. 5109-17C; Preliminary Design and Environmental Permitting (NEPA) for Improvements along the SC41 Corridor in Charleston County, SC | HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas | 05/12/2017 |
RFP No. 5135-17J; Cost of Service and Rate Design Study for Environmental Management | Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. | 05/11/2017 |
RFP No. 5126-17J; To Develop a Request for Proposal for a Material Recovery Facility Operator | Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. | 05/11/2017 |
IFB No. 5104-17V; Purchase and Installation of LED Lighting for Cumberland Garage and King and Queen Street Garage | Notice of Cancellation | 05/10/2017 |
RFP No. 5134-17J; Form Printing From Data File and Mailing Services for Charleston County Auditor | Business Ink, Company | 05/10/2017 |
RFQ No. 5107-17C; On-Call Construction Engineering & Inspection (CE&I) Services |
1.Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC 2. Michael Baker International, Inc. 3. HDR Construction Control Corporation |
05/08/2017 |
RFP No. 5131-17J; Consultant to Conduct Customer Service Survey & Research Services for Environmental Management | Issues & Answers Network, Inc. | 05/01/2017 |
IFB No. 5139-17C; TST Rivers Avenue at Ashley Phosphate Road Turn Lane Improvement | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 04/25/2017 |
RFQ No. 5146-17C; CE&I Services for Maybank Highway Phase 2 | Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC | 04/25/2017 |
IFB No. 5132-17C; Jewel Street Improvements | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 04/21/2017 |
IFB No. 5151-17J; Provide Tire Repair Services on an as-needed basis for Charleston County Fleet Opeations | J.H. Williams Corporation DBA/Williams Tire Company | 04/07/2017 |
IFB No. 5147-17J; Fleet Rental of Uniforms, Mats and Rags | Alsco Incorporated | 04/07/2017 |
IFB No. 5141-17J; Charleston County Detention Boiler Replacement | Notice of Cancellation | 04/06/2017 |
RFP No. 5126-17J; To Develop a Request for Proposal for a Material Recovery Facility Operator | Burns & McDonnell | 03/15/2017 |
IFB No. 5124-17J; Recycling of Glass Containers from Charleston County Businesses | Notice of Cancellation | 03/10/2017 |
RFQ No. 5108-17C; Design/Consultant Engineering Services for the Transportation Sales Tax Annual Allocations Program | Contracts Awarded | 03/10/2017 |
RFQ No. 5099-17C; Provide Professional Design/Consultant Engineering Services for Charleston County Transportation Committee (CTC) Related Projects |
1. Davis & Floyd, Inc. 2. Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 3. Michael Baker International, Inc. |
02/28/2017 |
IFB No. 5138-17C; Lincolnville Roadway Improvements | Notice of Rejection | 02/17/2017 |
IFB No. 5115-17J; Fleet Rental of Uniforms, Mats & Rags | Notice of Cancellation | 01/31/2017 |
IFB No. 5117-17C; Environmental Management Pavement Repairs | Truluck Construction Inc. | 01/31/2017 |
IFB No. 5100-17C; Fort Johnson Sidwalk Connector TST | AOS Speciality Contractors Inc | 01/31/2017 |
IFB No. 5125-17J; Depot Pickup of Bulk Oil and On-Site Delivery of Bulk Oil to Charleston County Fleet Operations | Pugh Lubricants | 01/30/2017 |
IFB No. 5096-17C; Mabeline Road Turn Lane | Landscape Pavers, LLC | 01/30/2017 |
IFB No. 5088-17C; Center Street Repaving and Restriping Project | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 01/27/2017 |
IFB No. 5066-17J; Site & Building Demolition at 3505 Pinehaven Drive North Charleston, SC (Former Sheriff's Headquarters) | Complete Demolition Services, LLC | 12/02/2016 |
RFP No. 5029-16R; Opening Day Collections |
1. Baker & Taylor, LLC 2. Midwest Tape, LLC |
12/02/2016 |
IFB No. 5093-17C; Custodial Services for Charleston Center (DAODAS) | Complete Cleaning Services, LLC | 11/03/2016 |
IFB No. 5080-17C; Willtown Community Sidewalk Phase 2 | Blutide Marine Construction | 10/25/2016 |
RFP No. 5044-16R; Standy Agreement for Debris Monitoring Services | Rostan Solutions, LLC | 10/04/2016 |
IFB No. 5083-16C; Highway 61 & Highway 7 Intersection Improvements Project | Blythe Development | 09/23/2016 |
IFB No. 5057-16R; King and Queen Street Parking Garage Cameras | CodeLynx,LLC | 09/22/2016 |
RFQ No. 5052-16C; Provide On Call Right -Of -Way Services |
1. Michael Baker International, Inc. 2. HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolians 3. Primacq Group |
09/22/2016 |
RFP No. 5081-16V; Charleston County Voluntary Benefits Program | UNUM | 09/15/2016 |
RFP No. 5058-16J; Bond Counsel | Howell Linkous & Nettles, LLC | 08/30/2016 |
RFP No. 5069-16R; Construction Management Software | Info Tech, Inc | 08/10/2016 |
IFB No. 5068-16J; CTC Resurfacing Plan B | Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc | 08/03/2016 |
IFB No. 5062-16R; HVAC Units for Charleston Senior Citizens Center | Walkup Electrical Construction, LLC | 06/14/2016 |
IFB No. 5063-16R; Floor Care Services at Law Enforcement Center | American Facility Services | 06/14/2016 |
IFB No. 5077-16J; Collection and Processing of Electronic Waste (E-Waste) at Bees Ferry Landfill | Synergy Recycling, LLC | 06/14/2016 |
IFB No. 5070-16V;Purchase and Delivery of Structure Composite Mats | Notice of Rejection | 06/13/2016 |
IFB No. 5060-16J;Collection and Processing of Electronic Waste (E-Waste) at Bees Ferry Landfill | Notice of Rejection | 05/17/2016 |
IFB No. 5056-16C;Willtown Sidewalk Phase 2 | Notice of Rejection | 05/16/2016 |
IFB No. 5059-16V;Install Wire Window Covers - Sheriff Al Cannon Detention Center | Notice of Rejection | 05/05/2016 |
IFB No. 5050-16V; Electrical Panel Replacement King And Queen Street Garage | Notice of Rejection | 04/28/2016 |
IFB No. 5028-16R; Floor Care Services at Law Enforecement Center | Notice of Cancellation | 04/13/2016 |
IFB No. 5043-16C; CTC 2016 Resurfacing Plan A | Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc | 04/08/2016 |
IFB No. 5047-16C; HWY61-Highway 7 Intersection Improvement TST | Notice of Rejection | 03/28/2016 |
IFB No. 5039-16C; TST Camp Road Sidewalk Phase 2 | AOS Speciality Contractors, Inc. | 03/23/2016 |
RFP No. 4987-16C; Sale of Property | Notice of Rejection | 03/08/2016 |
RFQ No. 4966-15C; Provide Professional Design/Consultant Engineering Services for the Transportation Sales Tax Annual Allocation Program | Notice of Rejection | 03/04/2016 |
IFB No. 5040-16C; Peaceful Way Improvement | Eadie's Construction Company, Inc. | 02/25/2016 |
IFB No. 5045-16C; Purchase of Whelen and Setina Parts | West Chatham Warning Devices, Inc. | 02/25/2016 |
IFB No. 5031-16C; Croghan's Landing at US17 Sidewalk and Turn Lane Extension | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 02/17/2016 |
IFB No. 5011-16C; Ashley Phosphate Road at Cross County Intersection Improvements | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 01/12/2016 |
IFB No. 4964-16C; : Folly Road at Camp Road Intersection Improvements | Banks Construction Company | 01/12/2016 |
IFB No. 5005-16C; Park West Boulevard Turn Lane at Recreation Complex TST | Truluck Construction, Inc. | 01/06/2016 |
IFB No. 5007-16C; CTC 2015 Resurfacing Project | Sanders Brothers Construction Company | 12/08/2015 |
IFB No. 4977-16C; CTC New Road Rocking | Landscape Pavers, LLC | 11/13/2015 |
IFB No. 4982-16C; Pinckney Street Drainage Improvements | Green Wave Contracting, Inc | 11/13/2015 |
IFB No. 4995-16C; TST Covington Drive Sidewalk | First Construction Management, LLC | 11/13/2015 |
IFB No. 5008-16W; Update a Historic Resources Survey of the County of Charleston, SC | New South Associates, Inc. | 11/12/2015 |
IFB No. 5022-16W; Professional Consultant Experienced in Roadway and Drainage System Assessments in Connection with Damages Resulting from Flooding and the Federal Declaration Made 10/5/2015 | Rostan Solutions, LLC | 11/10/2015 |
IFB No. 4951-15W; Inmate Medical Services For The Sheriff Al Cannon Detention Center (SACDC) | Carolina Center For Occupational Health (CCOH) | 11/10/2015 |
IFB No. 4992-16C; TST Martin George Lane Improvements Projects | Allston Farrell, LLC | 11/05/2015 |
IFB No. 4972-16C; Middle Street Drainage Project Phase 4 and Station 24 Street Drainage | Eadie's Construction Company | 09/25/2015 |
IFB No. 4967-15C; Archies Drive and Roper Run Road Extension Improvements TST | BES Construction Company | 09/25/2015 |
IFB No. 4971-16C; TST 2015 Microsurfacing Plan | Hudson Construction Company | 09/25/2015 |
RFP No. 4985-16W; Update a Historic Resources Survey of the County of Charleston, SC | Notice of Rejection | 09/09/2015 |
RFQt No. 4996-16C; Purchase of WI-FI Instrusion Protection | Notice of Cancellation | 08/27/2015 |
IFB No. 4968-15C; Rivertowne Parkway and Dunes West Blvd at SC 41 | Green Wave Contracting, Inc | 07/30/2015 |
IFB No. 4962-15C; TST Queen Street Drainage Improvements | R.H. Moore Company | 07/30/2015 |
IFB No. 4960-15C; Lemon Street Lane and Jeffery Drive | Celek and Celek | 07/17/2015 |
IFB No. 4946-15C; Melnick Drive Extension TST | Allston Farrell, LLC | 07/17/2015 |
IFB No. 4956-15C; Jerdone Street Sidewalk (CTC) | Anson Construction | 06/30/2015 |
IFB No. 4954-15C; Rifle Range Road at Ben Sawyer Blvd. Pedistrian Improvements | Walker Brothers, Inc. | 06/30/2015 |
IFB No. 4955-15C; Hwy 61 Sidewalks Phase 2 (TST) | First Construction Management, LLC | 06/29/2015 |
RFP No. 4875-15J; New and Emerging Solid Waste Management Technologies for Charleston County | Notice of Cancellation | 05/06/2015 |
IFB No. 4947-15C; Queen Street Drainage Improvement(TST) | Notice of Rejection | 04/16/2015 |
IFB No. 4939-15C; Anna Knapp and Park West Sidewalks | IPW Construction Group, LLC | 04/03/2015 |
IFB No. 4938-15C; Ben Road - Warm Mix Pervious Asphalt Pavement (TST) | Celek and Celek | 04/03/2015 |
IFB No. 4921-15C; 2014 Microsurfacing Plan (TST) | Slurry Pavers, Inc. | 03/11/2015 |
IFB No. 4933-15C; Hwy 171 Sidewalks Phase 2 & 3 (TST) | First Construction Management, LLC | 03/04/2015 |
IFB No. 4909-15C; North Rhett Avenue Sidewalks (TST) | First Construction Management, LLC | 03/04/2015 |
IFB No. 4904-15C; The Purchase and Installation of Two (2) Power Sonix Loud Hailer Systems | Wysong Enterprises, Inc. | 2/27/2015 |
IFB No. 4901-15C; McKnight Road Roadway Improvements | Allston Farrell, LLC | 2/27/2015 |
IFB No. 4910-15C; Intersection Improvement Projects on Johns Island and North Charleston | IPW Construction Group, LLC. | 2/27/2015 |
IFB No. 4935-15J; Puchase of One (1) New Charleston County Prisoner Transport Mini-Bus | Notice of Rejection | 2/20/2015 |
IFB No. 4936-15J; Puchase of One (1) New Charleston County Prisoner Transport Van | Notice of Cancellation | 2/2/2015 |
IFB No. 4903-15V; Generator Preventative and Predictive Maintenance and Repair | Notice of Rejection | 1/22/2015 |
IFB No. 4931-15J; Puchase of One (1) New Charleston County Prisoner Transport Van | Notice of Cancellation | 1/7/2015 |
IFB No. 4930-15J; Puchase of One (1) New Charleston County Prisoner Transport Mini-Bus | Notice of Cancellation | 1/7/2015 |
IFB No. 4912-15C; Ashley Phosphate Road at Cross County Road Intersection Improvement Project | Notice of Rejection | 12/19/2014 |
IFB No. 4893-15V; Perform Interior and Exterior Painting of Charleston County Facilities As Needed | B&R Painting Contractors, Inc. | 11/13/2014 |
RFQ No. 4882-15C; Provide Professional Design/Consultant Engineering Services for Charleston County Transportation Committee (CTC) Related Projects | 1. Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering (ICE) 2. Davis & Floyd, Inc. 3. Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. |
10/21/2014 |
RFQ No. 4864-14C; Ashley Hall Plantation Road Bridge Replacement Design (CTC) | Johnson, Mirmiran, & Thompson | 10/08/2014 |
IFB No. 4891-15R; Custodial Services for Law Enforcement Center | CleanNet of Charlotte | 9/12/2014 |
IFB No. 4886-15C; Traffic Signals and Intersection Improvement Projects (TST) | Truluck Construction Company | 8/28/2014 |
IFB No. 4884-15C; Fort Johnson Road Sidewalk Phase 3 & 4 (TST) | Landscape Pavers, LLC | 8/28/2014 |
IFB No. 4883-15C; TST 2014 Resurfacing Project | Sanders Brothers Construction Company | 8/28/2014 |
IFB No. 4881-15C; CTC 2014 Resurfacing Project | Banks Construction Company | 8/26/2014 |
IFB No. 4863-14C; Harbor View Road Improvements Project | Banks Construction Company | 8/25/2014 |
IFB No. 4865-14C; Northwoods Boulevard Right Turn Lane at Rivers Avenue | Truluck Construction Company | 7/29/2014 |
IFB No. 4872-14C; Station 22 1/2 to Station 23 Sidewalk (CTC) | AOS Specialty Contractors, Inc. | 7/25/2014 |
RFP No. 4824-14W; Bond Counsel | Howell Linkous & Nettles, LLC | 7/7/2014 |
RFP No. 4859-14V; Modernize Elevators-King and Queen Street Garage | American Elevator Co., LLC | 7/2/2014 |
RFP No. 4832-14J; Perform A Performance Audit Of The Environmental Management Department | Notice of Cancellation | 7/1/2014 |
RFP No. 4837-14V; Auditing Services For Charleston County Financial Statements | Scott and Company, LLC | 7/1/2014 |
IFB No. 4839-14C; Osceola Ave. Drainage Improvements | Celek & Celek Construction | 6/25/2014 |
IFB No. 4871-14J; Purchase of Two (2) New 12 Foot V-Box Stainless Steel Spreaders | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 6/24/2014 |
IFB No. 4858-14C; Maxville Road Extension (CTC) | Allston Farrell, LLC | 5/21/2014 |
RFP No. 4827-14V; Inmate Telephone Services | Global Tel*Link | 5/19/2014 |
IFB No. 4844-14C; Ashley Point Drive Sidewalk Project | Landscape Pavers, LLC | 5/14/2014 |
IFB No. 4846-14D; Structured Cabling | VT Milcom, Inc. | 5/8/2014 |
IFB No. 4833-14V; Records Center Shelving Replacement | Rejection of Solicitation | 5/2/2014 |
IFB No. 4836-14C; Arman Road Improvements TST | Truluck Construction Company | 4/9/2014 |
IFB No. 4835-14C; Glifton Avenue Roadway Improvements TST | Allston Farrell, LLC | 4/9/2014 |
IFB No. 4838-14R; Macadam Base Stone | Welborn Trucking | 4/8/2014 |
IFB No. 4828-14C; Arlington Drive Sidewalk Project | C.B.D., Inc. | 3/31/2014 |
RFQt No. 4842-14J; Installation of Residential Wells | Pinckney Well Drilling Company | 3/31/2014 |
RFQt No. 4841-14J; Installation of Residential Septic Systems | Randolph Septic | 3/31/2014 |
IFB No. 4831-14R; Purchase of Uniforms for Charleston County EMS Personnel | Uniforms by John, Inc. | 3/18/2014 |
RFP No. 4829-14R; Posting Delinquent Tax Properties | Palmetto Posting, Inc. | 3/13/2014 |
IFB No. 4825-14R; Drug Testing for Charleston County | Lowcountry Drug Screening | 2/25/2014 |
RFQ No. 4801-14V; Open-Ended Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Protection Design, and Construction Services | RMF Engineering, Inc, and CEMS Engineering, Inc. | 2/18/2014 |
IFB No. 4822-14C; Folly Road and Camp Road Intersection Improvements TST | Rejection of Solicitation | 1/5/2014 |
RFQt No. 4820-14C; West Mason Street Rocking Project | Moats Construction, LLC | 1/22/2014 |
IFB No. 4804-14C; Dogwood Road Sidewalk (CTC) | Landscape Pavers, LLC | 1/7/2014 |
IFB No. 4806-14C; Hwy 61 Sidewalk Phase I | AOS Specialty Contractors, Inc. | 1/7/2014 |
IFB No. 4808-14C; Monterey Street Drainage Improvements | Celek & Celek Construction | 1/7/2014 |
IFB No. 4815-14C; Angel Oak Elementary Drainage (CTC) | IPW Construction Group, LLC. | 1/7/2014 |
IFB No. 4814-14C; Edgar Tumbleston & Buist Hanahan Roadway Improvements (TST) | Allston Farrell, LLC | 12/11/2103 |
RFP No. 4813-14R; Inventory Management Software for EMS | EMS Technology Solutions, LLC | 12/16/2013 |
RFP No. 4823-14J; Provide Painting and Body Repair Services for Automotive, Truck, Ambulance, Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Owned by Charleston County | Award of Solicitation | 12/13/2013 |
IFB No. 4778-13C; Ben Sawyer Causeway Multi-Use Path Improvement | L&L Contractors, Inc. | 11/20/2013 |
IFB No. 4807-14C: CTC 2013 Resurfacing Plan | Sanders Brothers Construction | 11/20/2013 |
RFP No. 4790-14V; Healthcare-Benefits Consultants | Gallagher Benefit Services | 11/21/2013 |
IFB NO. 4799-14C; Isle of Palms Connector | Banks Construction Company | 11/14/2013 |
IFB No. 4805-14J; Provide Painting and Body Repair Services for Automotive, Truck, Ambulance, Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Owned by Charleston County | Rejection of Solicitation | 10/30/2013 |
IFB No. 4800-14V; Joseph White Road Paving | Rejection of Solicitation | 10/29/2013 |
IFB No. 4760-13C; Folly Road and Camp Road Intersection Improvements TST | Rejection of Solicitation | 10/22/2013 |
IFB No. 4802-14C; Angel Oak Elementary Drainage Project CTC | Rejection of Solicitation | 10/4/2013 |
IFB No. 4798-14C; Hampton Park Pedestrian Improvement TST | AOS Specialty Contractors, Inc. | 10/1/2013 |
RFP No. 4785-13J; Welding and Metal Fabrication Services for Heavy Equipment, Truck Bodies and Miscellaneous Items Owned by Charleston County | CC Fabricators, Inc., Williamson Welding and Amee Bay, LLC | 9/25/2013 |
IFB No. 4791-14C; Caw Lane Improvements | Celek and Celek Construction, Inc. | 09/19/2013 |
RFP No. 4786-13J; Provide Painting and Body Repair Services for Automotive, truck, Ambulance, Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Owned by Charleston County | Rejection of Solicitation | 9/16/2013 |
IFB No. 4793-14C; Main Road Widening | Rejection of Solicitation | 9/10/2013 |
IFB No. 4783-13J; Purchase of a Grapple Loader | Rejection of Solicitation | 8/29/2013 |
IFB No. 4770-14C; Stiles Point Elementary School Sidewalk | Celek and Celek Construction, Inc. | 08/28/2013 |
IFB No. 4773-13C; Botany Bay Road Improvements | Truluck Construction | 08/28/2013 |
RFQ No. 4749-13C; Provide professional Design/Consultant Engineering Services for the Transportation Sales Tax Annual Allocation Program | Stantec, Florence & Hutcheson, Baker (LPA), Thomas and Hutton, Vaughn and Melton | 8/26/2013 |
IFB No. 4796-14R; Pharmaceutical Supplies and Related services for the Charleston County Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services | Omnicare of Charleston | 8/20/2013 |
RFQ No. 4723-13C; Professional Engineering Services for Pavement Condition Surveying for Charleston County | S&ME, Inc. | 6/14/2013 |
IFB No. 4784-13J; Purchase of Oversized Crushed Concrete Delivered to Bees Ferry Landfill | Murray Sand Company, Inc. | 6/28/2013 |
IFB No. 4769-13C; Hwy 171 Sidewalks - Phase 1 | L&L Contracting, Inc. | 6/19/2013 |
IFB No. 4764-13C; Station 25 Street CIPP Installation and Paving | B&C Utilities, Inc. | 6/19/2013 |
IFB No. 4767-13C; Wappoo Road Storm Drain and Sidewalk Replacement | Green Wave Contracting, Inc. | 6/19/2013 |
IFB No. 4735-13C; I-526 Westbound Exit Ramp to International Boulevard and Additional Right Turn Lane | Truluck Construction Company | 6/10/2013 |
RFQt No. 4763-13J; Installation and Replacement of Safety Glass in Automotive and Truck Applications in the Charleston County Vehicles | Glass Pro Incorporated | 6/21/2013 |
IFB No. 4757-13V; Elevator Maintenance for Charleston County | American Elevator Company | 6/17/2013 |
IFB No. 4747-13J; Purchase of a Low Ground Pressure (LGP) Track-Type Dozer | Flint Equipment Company | 5/28/2013 |
IFB No. 4762-13J; Purchase of a Landfill Track-Type Dozer | Blanchard-Cat | 5/28/2013 |
RFP No. 4520-12K; Station Alerting | Purvis Systems, Inc. | 5/21/2013 |
RFP No. 4724-13D; Lease and Maintenance of Copiers | Ricoh | 5/21/2013 |
RFQ No. 4742-13V; Open End Engineering Services for Road Design and Related Services | Cancellation Notice | 5/10/2013 |
IFB No. 4759-13R; Purchase and Installation of Eight (*) Air Handlers for the Sheriff Al Cannon Detention Center | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 5/20/2013 |
IFB No. 4702-13J; Solid Waste Curbside Collection Services for the Unincorporated Areas of Charleston County | Waste Pro of South Carolina, Inc. | 5/16/2013 |
IFB No. 4761-13C; Park West Multi-use Path Improvements | Landscape Pavers, LLC | 5/14/2013 |
IFB No. 4752-13C; Bolton Road Improvements | Island Construction Company | 5/9/2013 |
RFP No. 4750-13R; Food (Catering) Service for Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) | Iacofano Group, LLC | 5/8/2013 |
RFP No. 4720-13V; Food Services at the Detention Center | Trinity Services Group, Inc. | 5/8/2013 |
IFB No. 4746-13R; Purchase and Installation of Four (4) Air Handler Units at Department of Social Services | Notice of Cancellation of Bids | 4/24/2013 |
IFB No. 4751-13C; Station 25 Street CIPP Installation and Paving | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 4/9/2013 |
IFB No. 4730-13V; Charleston County Law Enforcement Center | Palmetto Construction Group, LLC | 3/29/2013 |
IFB No. 4729-13C; N. Rhett Ave. at Remount Road Signal Modifications | Walker Brothers, Inc. | 3/14/2013 |
RFQt No. 4744-13J; Installation of Residential Wells | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 3/5/2013 |
IFB No. 4725-13C; Blackground Road Improvements | Truluck Construction Company | 2/7/2013 |
IFB No. 4726-13C; Butterfly Lane and Leonard Stoney Road Local Paving | Allston Farrell Construction | 2/7/2013 |
IFB No. 4727-13C; White Road Improvements | Island Construction Company | 2/7/2013 |
IFB No. 4733-13C; International Improvements & Signal Design for Glen McConnell Parkway at Bairds Cove | Truluck Construction Company | 2/7/2013 |
IFB No. 4722-13D; Provide Containerized Waste Removal & Disposal for Designated Charleston County Facilities | Carolina Waste & Recycling | 2/5/2013 |
IFB No. 4708-13D; Purchase and Installation of Air Handler Units at the Department of Social Services | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 1/13/2013 |
Solicitation: | Vendor: | Date Posted: |
RFQt 4695-13K; Installation of Residential Septics | Randolph Septic and Knight's Septic | 12/3/2012 |
RFP No. 4655-12K; Safety Concept Ambulance Design Build | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 11/27/2012 |
IFB No. 4654-12K; Purchase of Six Ambulances | Taylor Made Ambulances (Newport, Arkansas) | 11/26/2012 |
IFB No. 4704-13V; Purchase of One (1) 18 Yard Rear Loader | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 11/7/2012 |
IFB No. 4668-12W; Judge Road and Joseph White Road Pervious Pavement Project | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 11/1/2012 |
RFP No. 4672-13W; New Parking Control System | Notice of Rejection of Proposals | 10/28/2012 |
RFQ No. 4691-13C; On Call Construction Engineering and Inspection (CE&I) | Short Listed: 1. Coleman-Snow Consultants, LLC 2. HDR Construction Control Corporation 3. Davis & Floyd, Inc. |
10/28/2012 |
IFB No. 4712-13C; Otranto Road and Rivers Ave. Sidewalk Project | AOS Specialty Contractors, Inc., Lexington, SC 29073 | 10/28/2012 |
IFB No. 4690-13W; Turnkey Project to Perform the "Changeout" of a 17.5 Ton Roof Top HVAC Unit at the Senior Citizens Building | Manual J. Heating & Cooling Services, LLC, Summerville, SC | 10/12/2012 |
IFB No. 4692-13C; Otranto Road and Rivers Avenue Sidewalk Projects | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 9/28/2012 |
RFP No. 4641-12W; Standby Contract for Initial 70 Hour Road Clearing and Removal & Disposal of Debris Generated by a Disaster | Short Listed: 1. Ashbritt, Inc. 2. CrowderGulf 3. DRC Emergency Services, LLC 4. Ceres Environmental Services, Inc. |
9/25/2012 |
RFP No. 4645-12W; New Console Furniture for Consolidated 911 Center | Evans Consoles Inc., Vienna, VR | 9/25/2012 |
IFB No. 4675-12W; Carpet Replacement at Charleston County Main Library | Tidewater Interiors, North Charleston, SC | 9/25/2012 |
IFB No. 4679-13W, Water Treatment Services for HVAC Systems | The Metro Group, Inc., Columbia, SC | 9/24/2012 |
IFB No. 4686-13C; Intersection Improvement & Signal Design for Glenn McConnell Parkway at Braids Cove | Notice of Rejection of Bids | 9/24/2012 |
IFB No. 4660-12W: Custodial Services for Main Library and Banov Health | Complete Cleaning Services, LLC, Charleston, SC | 9/13/2012 |
IFB No. 4684-13D; Charleston County Detention Center Building Concrete Overlay | Carolina Professional Builders, Inc., Isle of Palms, SC | 8/31/2012 |
RFP No. 4590-12K; ShoreTel Service Provider | CNP Technologies, LLC, Charlotte, NC | 8/28/2012 |
RFQ NO. 4667-12C; Provide Professional Design/Consultant Engineering Services for the Charleston County Transportation Committee Related Project | Short Listed: 1. Davis & Floyd 2. Stantec 3. Thomas and Hutton |
8/24/2012 |
IFB No. 4673-12C; CTC FY 2012 Resurfacing Project | Banks Construction Company North Charleston, SC | 8/23/2012 |
IFB No. 4677-12J; Provide Waste Tire Transportation and Processing for the Charleston County Environmental Management Department | Charles View Transport, Inc. Moncks Corner, SC | 8/14/2012 |
IFB No. 4657-12J; Purchase of One (1) Triple Combination Pumper for Charleston County Awendaw Fire Department | Spartan Fire and Emergency Apparatus, Roebuck, SC | 7/27/2012 |
IFB No. 4676-12J; Purchase of One (1) Heavy Duty, 4-Wheeled Landfill Compactor | Flint Equipment Company, Ladson, SC | 7/27/2012 |
IFB No. 4666-12C; West Boundary Street | Allston Farrell Construction, Mt. Pleasant, SC | 7/5/2012 |
IFB No. 4659-12W; Employee Assistance Program for Charleston County Employees | Save, Inc., North Charleston, SC | 6/27/2012 |
IFB No. 4661-12C; Dorchester Road at W. Hill Boulevard Intersection Improvement | Gulf Stream Construction Company, Inc., North Charleston, SC | 6/27/2012 |
IFB No. 4664-12C; TST 2012 Resurfacing Project | Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc., North Charleston, SC | 6/27/2012 |
IFB No. 4647-12C; Rivers Avenue at Northwoods Sidewalk Improvement | AOS Specialty Contractors, Inc. Lexington, SC | 6/18/2012 |
IFB No. 4663-12J; Purchase & Installation of One (1) Rotary Model SM18, 4-Post, 18,000 lb Capacity Vehicle Lift and One (1) Rotary Model SM30-S, 4-Post 30,000 lb Capacity Vehicle Lift | NAPA Auto Supply & Equipment, Charleston, SC | 6/5/2012 |
IFB No. 4651-12J; Provide Leachate Hauling Services | 3R of Charleston, Inc., Goose Creek, SC | 6/5/2012 |
IFB No. 4647-12C; Rivers Avenue at Northwoods Sidewalk Improvements Project | AOS Specialty Contractors, Inc., Lexington, SC | 5/25/2012 |
RFP No. 4520-12K; Station Alerting System | US Digital Design, Tempe, AZ | 5/21/2012 |
IFB No. 4653-12W; Purchase of 2,008 of Macadam Base Stone and 600 Tons of #57 Stone Delivered to various Maintenance Facilities | Smalley Trucking Company, Inc., Folly Beach, SC | 4/27/2012 |
IFB No. 4656-12J; Purchase of Oversized Crush Concrete Delivered to Bees Ferry Landfill | Sanders Brothers Construction Company, Inc., North Charleston, SC | 4/10/2012 |
IFB No. 4646-12J; Provide Tire Repair Services on an As-Needed Basis for the Charleston County Fleet Operations | Williams Tire & Auto, North Charleston, SC | 4/10/2012 |
IFB NO. 4639-12W; Aerial Mosquito Control Spraying as needed | Williamsburg Air Service, Inc., Kingstree, SC | 3/15/2012 |
IFB NO. 4631-12J; Repairs of Existing Containers for Charleston County Environmental Management | Container Services Unlimited, Inc., Lexington, SC | 3/13/2012 |
IFB NO. 4629-12C; Phillips Community Sidewalk and Drainage Improvement Project | First Construction Management, LLC, Hanahan, SC | 3/9/2012 |
IFB NO. 4628-12C; Grimball Road Sidewalk & Drainage Improvements Phase II | Green Construction of Summerville, Inc., Summerville, SC | 3/9/2012 |
IFB NO. 4595-12C; US17 Turn Lane at Buckhorn Road | Truluck Construction Company, Charleston, SC | 3/9/2012 |
IFB NO. 4632-12C; Legareville Drainage Improvement Project | Allston Farrell Construction, Mt. Pleasant, SC | 3/9/2012 |
IFB NO. 4521-12W; Provide Contracted Security Officer Services for Charleston County Government | Allegiance Security Group, Tampa, FL | 3/9/2012 |
RFP NO. 4536-12W; Provide a Structural and Compensation System Study for Charleston County | Evergreen Solutions, LLC, Tallahassee, FL | 3/9/2012 |
IFB NO. 4617-12C; Dorchester Rd. at Michaux Parkway Intersection Improvements | Truluck Construction Company, Charleston, SC | 3/8/2012 |
IFB NO. 4527-12C; New Road Project | Island Construction Company, North Charleston, SC | 3/8/2012 |
IFB NO. 4600-12C; McClellanville Drainage, Parking, and Pavement Marking Improvement Project | Green Wave Contracting, Inc. Hemingway, SC | 3/8/2012 |
IFB NO. 4598-12C; 10th Street East and 4th Street West Drainage Improvements | B&C Utilities, Johns Island, SC | 3/8/2012 |
City of Charleston
City of Folly Beach
City of North Charleston
City of Isle of Palms
Town of Awendaw
Town of Hollywood
Town of James Island
Town of Kiawah Island
Town of Lincolnville
Town of McClellanville
Town of Meggett
Town of Mount Pleasant
Town of Ravenel
Town of Rockville
Town of Seabrook Island
Town of Sullivan's Island
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