Charleston County Probate Judge
Probate Court offices are open Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm and virtually 24/7. For marriage license questions, please call 843-958-5183. To apply for a marriage license, click here. For Estate Administration questions, please call 843-958-5030. For questions regarding Conservatorships/Guardianships, Involuntary Commitment and our problem-solving courts, please call 843-958-5180. We are also here to assist you through our online services. Documents can also be delivered by using drop boxes located outside our offices located at 84 Broad Street, 3rd Floor, and 100 Broad Street, Suite 469.
Judge Irv Condon has implemented electronic filing, called "EZ-Filing." For more information, read Administrative Order, Rules and EZ-Filing Instructions. To EZ-file a document in any case, click here. You are able to view all images on each case for which you create an EZ-Filing account, which enables you to easily keep up with the activities of the case.
Probate Court Estate Division Office is located at the Historic Courthouse, 84 Broad Street, Third Floor, Charleston, SC 29401. Commitment, Adult Guardianship and Conservatorship, and Marriage License Divisions are located at the Charleston County Judicial Building, 100 Broad Street, Fourth Floor, Suite 469, Charleston, SC 29401.
First, we offer our sincere condolences for the loss of your spouse, grandparent, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, cousin or friend. We understand the great difficulty the passing of a loved one can cause. We are here to help you. One reason I ran for Probate Judge was to assist citizens and make them aware that the probate process does not have to be an unbearable experience. Accordingly, the following information concerning the statutory requirements of probating an estate is provided to assist you. The staff of the Probate Court will be pleased to provide information and assistance to the extent allowed by South Carolina law. Because our staff cannot provide legal advice, we recommend you consult with an attorney. Probate Court has professional estate clerks that handle your estate from start to finish. I conduct a monthly Estate Workshop, which is open to the public and provides an overview of probating an estate.
The second reason I ran for Probate Judge was to stress the importance of estate planning. We hope that you will take this opportunity to review your estate planning documents. You should consider a Last Will and Testament, a Trust, a Declaration of Desire for Natural Death (otherwise known as a Living Will), a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare, a Durable Power of Attorney for Business Affairs, the Five Wishes, and other advance directives. You will need legal counsel to complete your estate planning. For more information about "Why you need a Will", please call the South Carolina Bar Law Line toll free at 1-800-521-9788, ext. 160. As a public service, we provide samples of the statutory Living Will and Health Care Power of Attorney documentation. We hope that you will take this opportunity to review and update your estate planning documents, as well as encourage other family members to complete their estate plan.
As your Probate Judge, I am here to serve you. If you should have questions, comments, or suggestions, please let me know. I thank you for electing me as your Probate Judge and hope that we help make probate a pleasant experience considering the circumstances.
Irvin G. Condon
Upon receipt of the Inventory, a Court cost will be assessed and billed. See Probate Court fees on the attached back sheet.
The filing of returns and/or payment of any South Carolina and Federal estate taxes or income taxes are the responsibility of the Personal Representative.
Also, while debts or claims may be paid at any time by a Personal Representative, you may incur personal liability if any preferred creditor is damaged or injured by such payment. Claims which are not valid claims may be disallowed through proper procedures.
The 30-day period can be waived if a Waiver (Form 111ES) is signed by all interested parties.
If the decedent did not have any assets in his/her name at the time of his/her death but did have an original Will, you must turn the original Will into the Probate Court to be filed for record only (Form #306ES). An original Death Certificate is required and a filing fee of $10.00. If filing for informal Probate of Will only, you will need to file Form #300ES, original Death Certificate, and a filing fee of $25.00. If you require Medical Records only for the decedent and no probate assets have been discovered and you have priority to serve, you must file a completed Form #300ES, original Death Certificate, and a filing fee of $12.50.
Please call the Probate Court at (843)958-5030 for any additional questions and prior to coming to the Court in order to avoid being turned away due to the lack of having all required documentation. You are encouraged to make an appointment prior to coming to the Probate Court (Website: Thank you.
Schedule | |
Virtual | In-Person |
Feb 3, 2025 @ 10:00am Mar 3, 2025 @ 10:00am Apr 7, 2025 @ 10:00am May 5, 2025 @ 10:00am |
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, at 6:30pm Topic: Estate Planning Where: Otranto Library 2261 Otranto Rd., N. Chas. |
Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 6pm Topic: Estate Planning/Elder Law Where: Wando Mt. Pleasant Library 1400 Carolina Park Blvd., Mount Pleasant SC 29466 |
Thursday, 3/6/2025 at 2pm Topic: Estate Planning/Elder Law Where:Main Branch Library Address: 68 Calhoun Street Charleston SC 29401 |
Thursday, 3/6/2025 at 6:30pm Topic: Estate Planning/Elder Law Where:Dorchester Road Library Address: 6325 Dorchester Road N. Charleston SC 29418 |
Saturday, 3/8/2025 at 11am Topic: Estate Planning Where:Cynthia Hurd Library, W. Ashley Address: 1735 N. Woodmere Drive Charleston SC 29407 |
Tuesday, March 18th at 6:30pm Topic: Estate Administration Where:Dorchester Road Library Top Address: 6325 Dorchester Road N. Charleston SC 29418 |
Wednesday, 3/26/2025 at 6pm Topic: Estate Administration Where:Wando Mt. Pleasant Library 1400 Carolina Park Blvd. Mt. Pleasant SC 29466 |
Thursday, 3/27/2025 at 11am Topic: Getting Treatment for a Loved One Mental Health and/or Substance Use Issues Where:Otranto Public Library Address: 2261 Otranto Road N. Charleston SC 29406 |
Thursday, 3/27/2025 at 2pm Topic: Estate Administration Where:Main Branch Library 68 Calhoun Street Charleston SC 29401 |
Thursday, 3/27/2025 at 6:30pm Topic: Getting Treatment for a Loved One w/Mental and/or Substance Use Issues Where:Dorchester Road Library Address: 6325 Dorchester Road N. Charleston SC 29418 |
Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 1pm Topic: Estate Planning/Elder Law Where:Mount Pleasant Public Library 1133 Mathis Ferry Road Mt. Pleasant SC 29464 |
Monday, April 21, 2025 at 6pm Topic: Getting Treatment for A Loved One With Mental Health and/or Substance Use Issues Where:Baxter Patrick Public Library Address: 1858 S. Grimball Road James Island SC 29412 |
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 1pm Topic: Estate Administration Where:Mount Pleasant Public Library 1133 Mathis Ferry Road Mount Pleasant SC 29464 |
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 4pm Topic: Estate Administration Where:Edisto Island Library Address: 1589 SC – 174 Edisto Island, SC 29438 |
Accountings - Reports that contain the annual and final fiscal reports showing what has come into the account and the disbursements that have gone out of the account.
Affidavit of Collection - A way to handle the assets under $10,000 and it cannot include any real estate.
Beneficiary - A person or charity or dog or cat that receives assets that were pre-directed to the individual.
Bond - What the Personal Representative must purchase from an insurance company if there was not a Will or if someone demands it. The Personal Representative must purchase a bond for one and one half times the amount of the personal property only.
Certified - Attested true copy of a document from our Court with seal. Cannot certify any document that does not originate from our Court.
Conservator - One who takes care of the finances of a minor or incapacitated person.
Decedent - The person who died.
Devisee - Someone who is named in a Will to receive.
DOD - Deed of Distribution (Transfers real estate to the legal heirs or devisees).
Domiciled - Where the person lived.
Encumbrances - Debt of the estate that is attached to an asset. Example: Mortgage on a house, loan on a car, etc. (NOT everyday debt like doctor bills, credit card payments, etc.)
Estate Papers - The original probate papers such as Wills, inventories, letters, accountings and related papers.
Guardian - One who takes care of the physical well being of a minor or incapacitated person.
Health Care Power of Attorney - A legal document that allows another party to handle the health decisions of another person.
Heir - Someone who takes from an estate if there is not a Will.
I/A - Inventory and Appraisement (Yellow Form) - Listing of the assets (both probate and non-probate) that the decedent had in his/her name at time of death and date of death values.
Intestate - When someone dies without a Will.
In Trust - When someone directs assets to be set aside for a persons benefit.
Living Will - A legal document that allows a party to make medical decisions about another person's continuation of life prior to death.
Non-Probate Assets - Assets that are not used by the Personal Representative to pay debt of the estate or to distribute to heirs or devisees. These assets usually have a beneficiary, payable on death, or joint right of survivorship status.
Power of Attorney - A legal document that allows another party to handle the business affairs of someone else.
PR - Personal Representative (Person in charge of the estate) Use to be called executor or executrix.
Probate - The legal process of wrapping up a person's affairs, paying their bills distributing their assets after death.
Probate Assets - Assets that are used by the Personal Representative to pay debt of the estate or to distribute to heirs or devisees. These assets do not automatically go to another party at time of death.
Pro Se - Someone who defends himself without an attorney.
RTSC - Rule To Show Cause - being summoned to court to tell the Judge why you have not complied with the duties of Personal Representative.
Rule 4 - Administratively closing an estate by Court order.
Special Administrator - A person chosen to take the place of a personal representative to handle the affairs of the estate. This person is usually an attorney.
Testate - When someone dies with a legally valid Will before death.
Venue - Where someone lives.
Will - A legal document that states the wishes of a person at the time of his/her death.
Will Books - Recorded transcripts of original probate Wills that give information about proving the Will and qualifying the personal representative.
Will For Record - When a party files an original Will with the Court after someone dies and there are no assets to transfer.
Historic Courthouse
84 Broad Street, 3rd Floor
Charleston, SC 29401
Phone: (843)958-5030
Fax: (843)958-5044
Alison V. Atwood, Probate Clerk of Court- Estate Division
Phone: (843)958-5031
Sharon Clark, Estate Clerk (cases ending in 1,6)
Phone: (843)958-5033
Amy Tackett, Estate Clerk (cases ending in 0,5)
Phone: (843)958-5038
Lindsay E. Williams, Estate Clerk (cases ending in 4,9)
Phone: (843)958-5034
Nicole Rollins, Estate Clerk (cases ending in 2,7)
Phone: (843)958-5039
Tleshia T. Schoenith, Estate Clerk (cases ending in 3,8)
Phone: (843)958-5037
Lisa Griffith, Customer Service Representative
Phone: (843)958-5030
Jamie A. Robinson, Estate Projects Officer
Phone: (843)666-4701
City of Charleston
City of Folly Beach
City of North Charleston
City of Isle of Palms
Town of Awendaw
Town of Hollywood
Town of James Island
Town of Kiawah Island
Town of Lincolnville
Town of McClellanville
Town of Meggett
Town of Mount Pleasant
Town of Ravenel
Town of Rockville
Town of Seabrook Island
Town of Sullivan's Island
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