Sgt. G. Baldwin
The Therapeutic Transportation Unit of the Sheriff's Office works directly with the Commitment Division of the Charleston County Probate Court, hospitals and Charleston Dorchester Mental Health to locate and transport subjects for mental or chemical dependency evaluations in accordance with orders issued by a Probate Court Judge or Emergency Commitment papers issued by physicians. After subjects are located and picked-up, they are taken to a designated facility for an evaluation by a physician. Subjects who are subsequently committed to institutions are then transported by the deputies to an appropriate facility as directed by the evaluating doctor, usually in Charleston or Columbia, South Carolina.
Contact Information:
(843) 743-7200 (24hours a day/7 days a week)
911 (For Emergencies)
Q: How does Probate Court assist with issues of mental health and chemical dependency?
A: The Charleston County Probate Court provides assistance for emergency evaluations and recuperative commitments for distressed mental health, or chemically dependent residents of Charleston County.
Charleston County Probate Court Commitment
Office Number:
(843) 958-5180
Mondays - Fridays, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Q: Why does the Sheriff's Office have to handcuff subjects being transported on commitment papers or probate orders of detention?
A: For safety purposes, Sheriff's Office policy requires its deputies to apply hand and leg restraints during these transports even though the subject may not be under arrest for a crime.
Q: What is the purpose of our County's Mobile Crisis Unit?
A: The Mobile Crisis Unit is the gateway to the Charleston County mental health Adult Services. It is the crisis intervention unit that conducts the initial assessment for involuntary mental health commitment request applications. They will pursue the needed Probate Court Orders of Detention for evaluation and possible commitment, if the assessment concludes the need for involuntary treatment.
Charleston Dorchester Mental Health Center
(Mobile Crisis Unit)
Office Number: (843) 414-2350 (24
hours/7 day week)
Free: 1-800-613-8379
(843) 571-7719
Q: What is the purpose of the Charleston Center?
A: The Charleston Center is the gateway to the Charleston County s (voluntary) Chemical Dependency Services. The petition/application for chemical dependency cases begins at the Charleston Center. The first step is to call the Assessment Center Helpline. If voluntary, the caller will be screened to determine the need and an assessment will be scheduled at the caller's or patient's convenience. If involuntary, the caller will be scheduled for an assessment, during which, a petitioner's application for involuntary evaluation and possible commitment of another must be completed. The Charleston Center will forward the petitioner's application and investigative findings to Probate Court for processing and further action. In cases where services are not appropriate to the caller's needs, referrals to outside sources will be made.
Charleston Center
Office Number:
(843) 958-3300 (Mondays - Fridays, 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM)
Help Line:
(843) 722-0100 (24 hours/7day week)
Q: During emergencies, how can I pursue treatment for a mental health, or chemically dependent person, who has suddenly become aggressive, a danger to himself/herself, or hostile toward others?
A: During such emergencies, the following steps should be taken. Dial 911, explain the need/problem to the 911 operator, and summon the law enforcement agency of jurisdiction and EMS for assistance. If needed and certain criteria are met, law enforcement can request Mobile Crisis to respond to a scene in order to conduct a mental health assessment of the individual.
Charleston Dorchester Mental Health Center (Mobile Crisis Unit)
Office Number:
(843) 414-2350
Toll Free: 1-800-613-8379
Fax: (843) 571-7719
Provide the 911 operator with as much detail information to include: name of subject, physical description including clothing currently worn, subject's location, history of known HIV, Hepatitis B or C, tuberculosis or other potentially contagious diseases, known violent history, behaviors, identities, known medication, prior treatments, case worker(s), treating physician(s), present location, etc. to further assist in the summons of other assistance that may become fruitful in the pursuit of a peaceful conclusion.
Charleston County Consolidated (CDC) 9-1-1
CDC 9-1-1 Center Administrative
non-emergency number: (843)743-7200 (24 hours / 7 days a week)
Q: As an immediate relative, how can I pursue treatment for a mental health, or a chemically dependent relative, who has been aggressive, a danger to themselves/others, or has a history of losing self-control?
A: In Charleston County, an Order of Detention issued by the Probate Court is needed to pursue an evaluation and a possible commitment. To attain an Order of Detention the following steps should be take: if your immediate relative is willing to pursue mental health assistance, you can transport him/her to the emergency room of a hospital of choice for evaluation, referral, or possible commitment for treatment. Refer to your local directory assistance for a hospital of your choice. If he/she is willing to pursue chemical dependency assistance, you can transport him/her to the Charleston Center located at 5 Charleston Center Drive, Charleston, S.C. or call for an appointment. Mobile Crisis can also be contacted to coordinate mental health assessment options.
Charleston Dorchester Mental Health Center (Mobile Crisis Unit)
Office Number:
(843) 414-2350
Toll Free: 1-800-613-8379
Fax: (843) 571-7719
Charleston Center
Office Number:
Help Line:
(843) 722-0100
If an involuntary chemical dependency commitment is being pursued, you may call the Charleston Center's Assessment Center Helpline. The caller will be scheduled for an assessment, during which, a petitioner's application for a Probate Court Order of Detention for an evaluation must be completed. The Charleston Center will investigate and forward the petitioner's application and investigative findings to Probate Court for processing and further action.
If an involuntary mental health commitment is being pursued, you may contact the Charleston County Mobile Crisis Unit to attain a petitioner's application for an Order of Detention. The County's Mobile Crisis Unit will investigate the application's complaint, and dependent on the investigative results, pursue an Order of Detention through the County's Probate Court, for an evaluation that may result in a commitment for involuntary treatment.
Charleston County Probate Court Commitment
Office Number: (843) 414-2350 (24 hours/7 day week)
Q: As an acquaintance, how can I pursue treatment for an acquaintance, who has in the past been aggressive, a danger to themselves or others, or who has often been out of control, where no relative is known, or available?
A: In Charleston County, an Order of Detention is needed to pursue an evaluation, and a possible commitment. To attain an Order of Detention the following steps should be taken:
If the acquaintance is willing to pursue mental health assistance, you can transport them to the emergency room of a hospital of choice for evaluation, referral, or possible commitment for treatment. If they are willing to pursue chemical dependency assistance, you can transport them to the Charleston Center located at 5 Charleston Center Drive, Charleston, S.C., or call for an appointment.
Hospital Numbers: Refer to your local directory assistance for a hospital of your choice.
Charleston Center: Office Number: (843) 958-3300, Help Line: (843)722-0100
If an involuntary mental health commitment is being pursued, you may contact the Charleston County mobile Crisis Unit to attain an application for an Order of Detention. The County's mobile Crisis Unit will investigate the applicant's complaint, and dependent on the investigative results, pursue an Order of Detention through the County's Probate Court, for an evaluation that may result in a commitment for treatment through a local hospital physician.
Office Number: (843) 414-2350 (24 hours/7 day week)
If an involuntary chemical dependency commitment is being pursued, you may call the Charleston Center's assessment Center helpline. The caller will be scheduled for an assessment, during which, a petitioner's application for a Probate Court Order of Detention for an evaluation must be completed. The Charleston Center will investigate, and forward the petitioner's application and investigative findings to Probate Court for processing and further action.
Office Number: (843) 958-3300, Help Line: (843) 722-0100
Other Mental Health Resources:
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.
NAMI offers an array of support and education programs that help build better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. The NAMI Information HelpLine is an information and referral service which can be reached by calling 1 (800) 950-NAMI (6264), Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., EST or by email at
National Alliance on Mental Illness website:
Other Community Resources Available:
South Carolina 2-1-1 is your one-stop resource for finding assistance in your local community. This site keeps a database of a wide variety of service providers including support groups, community clinics, counselors, shelters, food pantries, and programs for seniors and many more agencies in South Carolina. This service is free and multilingual and can be called any time 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Call (2-1-1) toll free at 1-866-892-9211
Or on the Internet:
E-mail your comments or questions about this site to
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